Will You Celebrate Halloween This Year?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie
    I may be in Greenwich Village to see all the freaks!

    Minimus, in my experience, that is every day not just Halloween. I visited there with a family from a very small conservative town. I thought they would get whiplash from turning their heads so often.

    I'm not too fond of Halloween because dangerous people use it as a venue to hurt children and adults as well as destroy property. I would find it more enjoyable to have costume parties at other times of the year, and have done so.

    Whatever you do, be careful and watch your children.

  • minimus

    Hi Blondie, I'm in the Village a lot. But I will be more attuned to the "extra craziness" that will go on!

  • xenawarrior

    When I was about 20, instead of going "Trick or Treating" we'd go to a few friends' doors "Shot or Bonging"

    Quite fun but we only made it to a few places


  • gumby


    So how come you stopped? It's never too late to start sagain! LOL

    Sounds like the party was over before it began.

  • ashitaka

    Hell yes I'm celebrating. In the way of drinking until I can't stand at some corny Halloween Party. The wife is going as the green fairy from Moulin Rouge...I'm going as an alcoholic, no dressing up for me, just my thirty pack. (my first choice was to be tasteless and be the DC Sniper, the wifey didn't concur)


  • Tatiana

    I love Halloween. I love making my kid's costumes. Always home made. They're the best ones. We're having a haunted house in the garage this year. I'm having a hell of a time decorating it. It will be for all the neighborhood kids. I'm going to sit in a chair pretending to be a "dummy" (no comments please), and scare the crap out of the kids who come in.

    I'm also going to my brother's grown-up costume party. I told him I was wearing a suit with Watchtowers glued to it. My trusty "bookbag" in hand. He said he'd shoot me on site!! So, I'm going as Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

    April (of the "head-spinning" class)

  • ozziepost

    G'day Ana,

    Glad to "see" ya again.

    Now how about this year's competition to find the board's wackiest poster?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • minimus

    When I go trick-or-treating, I hope I get M&M's!!!

  • LB

    We've already gone to a halloween dinner at the community center which included ye old haunted house.

    We'll help out at the school at the party this week too.

  • target

    My husband and I were JWs for 30 years, so that means we had 25 years before that where we celebrated all the holidays. It is not hard to go back to that. Our son and his wife were raised in the org and they are having a lot more trouble letting go enough to celebrate holidays, although they are doing birthdays.

    Here in Phoenix the weather is beautiful on Halloween so our whole block gets together out on the street with tables set up on the sidewalk for everyone's candy dishes and there is music and lots of decorations. A couple of young neighbor guys dress up like straw men and sit in chairs all limp and when they kids come by they jump up and scare them. The kids love it. It is a big street party.


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