It was five or six years ago that it dawned on me...
... the realization of what the world would be like if enough people finally figured out that there was no god.... no virtual Santa Claus that was checking on them (us) 24/7 and waiting at our life's end with blissful rewards or everlasting penalties. I figured that if even a handful of people figured that out as I had, we'd be in deep doo-doo.
Now... I don't care much for religion. Spirituality? Yes. But "religion"? Nah. Don't have much use for it. Thanks to some "godly" parents, I happened to be raised with a fair amount of morals, including having the idea built into me that what happens to other people matters -- whether I'm personally affected or not. At this point in my life I couldn't care less if god is watching what I do or whether there's a pay-off for me at the end. Regardless, I do what I can to help my fellow homo sapiens... whenever and wherever I can. I take particular interest in helping those I know can never repay me in any way.
I learned in first year Psychology that it's a stage "normal" people go thru in their development toward maturity -- a stage where we learn empathy... to see things from the perspective of other people -- to see what they see, to feel what they feel.
On the other hand and quite to the contrary, the person, or people, in D.C. -- the one(s) who are killing ordinary folk at random -- worry me. Worry me immensely. I don't know why, but I think about it (them) all the time, though I'm hundreds of miles away. It's like a bad dream from which I can't awaken. Like a bad feeling that I can't shake. But it's real. Happening. Now.
It seems that somebody (else) has figured out that there is no god and no penalty at the end of days, except this person (or these people) have absolutely *NO* morals and no compassion for their fellows.
I hope I'm wrong, but I think we're in a lot of trouble. If word continues to spread that there is no god, I can only imagine what the future holds.
I can't help but think that if there *is* a god, it would be sorta nice if he kinda stepped up right about now... and did something. Anything.