The Society Encourages Reading 1951-on Bound Volum

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The latest Nov. KM recommends getting the bound volumes from 1951 onward, because they are still useful to us. If someone suggests that we shouldn't read the older publications because of the "old light", this KM sets the matter straight! My question is "why on earth would the Society recommend re-reading these old volumes"?

  • kenpodragon

    Normally it is because a certain thought was covered throughout the year that they think is worth reviewing. As for not reading old thoughts, they do. They just add that if something seems out of date, remember to cross reference to more current issues for understanding.

    My thought


  • Ravyn

    are they re-releasing these volumes? that might be your answer! the second edition of the CD when it came out changed material to reflect 'new light' without telling the rank and file. I remember figuring this out once accidentally when i got out one of the old books and could not find the paragraph that was on the CD. maybe they are just trying to rewrite their history yet again.


  • minimus

    This gives every Watchtower critic, the opportunity to decimate the Watchtower Society, once again. Who thinks these suggestions up, anyway? Possibly, some JWD lurker???

  • Scully

    There's still PLENTY of old light in those post 1951 publications that is "useful" to anyone who wants to start thinking again. Including, but not limited to:

    • changes regarding vaccinations
    • changes regarding organ transplants
    • changes regarding blood fractions
    • changes regarding "this generation", etc, etc.

    Love, Scully

  • minimus

    The 12-1 52 QFR asks, IS IT DESIRABLE TO MAKE PROVISIONS IN KINGDOM HALLS FOR A SOUNDPROOF ROOM....for disturbing children? The answer is, " Such a separate room caters to parental negligence and juvenile disorderliness".

  • onacruse

    I already reread those old volumes, years ago.

    Only 5 more electroshock sessions to go, and that part of my brain will be cleared.


    Oops, sorry for the outburst...just had a treatment today.


  • minimus

    Craig, did you get those tratements in a soundproof room?

  • blondie

    Minimus, I read that too in the November KM and I know why, at least I have a good idea. Some time back the WTS said they would re-publish the bound volumes from the past for those who wanted to complete their personal WT library and so local congregations that had been established more recently could do so also. In the past if the congregation had not been established during that time period, they were dependent on some older JW dying and willing their personal library to the congregation. Well, the WTS must have overestimated demand and have stock gathering dust and taking up valuable storage space at headquarters.

    The WTS does the same with the older books that are gathering dust on congregation literature shelves by making them the offer every January. The WTS are suggesting that some congregations who have cleared their own inventory contact nearby congregations to help them clear theirs.

    Amazingly, even though the literature is relatively free, some people order publications through the congregation and never pick them up and then the congregation makes an announcement that the brothers and sisters should go back and see what they can use.

    Waste not, want not.


  • TheOldHippie

    The Volumes from 1951 onwards are available from the WBTS, no problem in ordering them. As for the changes in the CD-Rom, that is because the books have been revised, and it is the revised edition of the book which is on the CD-Rom, the latest revision of the Peace book, the Revelation book, the Life book etc., in stead of the "original" ones. In many - but not all - of these, it is stated that it is the "1989 revised edition" etc. Changes are not made in the CD-Rom if they have not previously been made in the publication.

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