This was written almost two years ago and explains the absurdity of saying the problem of molestation within JW's is no different than main stream religion. The full text is posted on my website under "answer to questions" and has been since day one of its inception. If the problem of molestion is no different than main stream religion then silentlambs has no basis to exist and all the news coverage is just picking on a poor little religion. I don't think so.
"All these things together contribute to the reason I believe there is a pedophile paradise within the Watchtower Organization. We recruit troubled persons to be members and accept them in with no questions asked. A pedophile that becomes a witness will be able to move about freely with the benefit of his past being buried with no one knowing. If the pedophile then starts to molest Jehovahs Witness children who are taught to submit completely to adult authority, the children are easily intimidated to not say anything for years. If any do come forward, the pedophile simply denies the charge and remains "innocent" from the congregations standpoint. Should things become uncomfortable for the pedophile, they can simply move and start all over again with a fresh batch of children. Witnesses have absolute trust in one another, it is called a spiritual paradise" in a wicked world. Their children are only allowed to associate with one another. A gathering will only have Jehovahs Witnesses in attendance. Any extra circular activity will only feature Jehovahs Witnesses with each other. The typical pedophile will invariably have ample opportunity to take advantage of the trust of unknowing fellow members.
Do other churches operate like this?
Do other church members have the shepherd dominated mentality JWs have?
Do other churches allow sex offenders complete anonymity within the church when it is discovered?
Do other churches advise that the minister has the last word when molestation issues arise?
Do other churches lead members to believe their investigatorial measures are the best way to determine if a person has committed a crime?
Do other churches advise the best way to help a troubled person is to tell them to endure and wait for Gods Kingdom to solve their problems?
Do other churches take a person who is troubled because of molestation, who has begun self-destructive behaviors and disfellowship them, ostracizing them from the people who would be in the best position to help them?
Do other churches require two witnesses to the actual event of molestation before taking any disciplinary measures?
Do other churches threaten parents of molested children with disfellowshipment if they try to warn other members whose children may be in danger?
Do other churches remove ministers who warn parents of the danger of a certain pedophile molesting their children?
Do other churches provide zero training when it comes to how to direct a molested child to get the help they need?
In answering the above questions, if you feel there is no difference between Jehovahs Witnesses and how other churches handle these matters then we could be considered to have a similar ratio of child molestations to other churches. If on the other hand, you see a difference, then you have to accept a much higher ratio of child molestation among Jehovahs Witnesses than mainstream Christianity. It is morally and ethically wrong to perpetrate a Policy that hurts children. After reviewing the material above I hope this can help you to be better informed, educated as to the nature of the problem, and see the need to require the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to rethink this issue, to change their policy and realize that protecting children is the highest priority in an Organization that wants to lead people to worship God."