Just when you think your mind is fixed

by kenpodragon 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sabine

    Thanks P(J)...you hit on a big part of my problem...not living in the moment, not being really present.

    Another part is worrying that I won't be liked. I like to think I don't give a rats posterior what people think...but it's very complicated. Growing up a minority in many ways...a dark skinned person, a hispanic speaking person, and a member of a crazy religion...I have always tried to overcompensate and prove, hey I'm a really nice person, really, I'm not as weird as I appear.

    God, I need to just give it up!!! I'm 46 and know what, I just now feel comfortable enough with my racial identity to wear my hair in a natural style...not straightened to look like everyone else...baby steps....

  • nilfun

    I still have an aversion to the idea of taking someone else's blood into my body.

    I don't think it is wrong....but the idea of me ever having to do it makes my stomache turn.

    I was conditioned to be repulsed by it...

  • Gopher


    I kinda know what you mean about blood transfusions. But would you have any problem taking in another person's organ, such as a cornea, or even a kidney? Maybe not, because as JW's those things finally became permitted.

    Well if we could learn to view blood as another organ, and that it's being "transplanted" and not that the transfusion equates to what the WTS would call "nourishment" or "eating", then that rational information may eventually help us overcome our old programmed "gut reaction".

  • nilfun

    *sigh* Yep. Things like organ transplants or vaccinations don't bug me at all because they were given the O.K. by the GB.

    That I still have the same feelings towards blood that I had as a JW really bothers me! I would never deny myself or my loved ones

    a blood transfusion...I just get a very strong feeling of revulsion just thinking about it...

    But viewing a blood transfusion as an organ transplant does put it in a different light, doesn't it?

  • Searchin50

    Yes i think we all have times, when our repressed memories surface.

    Although what makes it difficult at times,is knowing how to keep things, in there

    proper prospective, However we must come to a full realization, with our feelings

    and just what measures, were taken in the inculcation.

    The further the point is driven, how it was driven, plays a major role in how the

    thinking process works. Fear implanted in a persons mind works very well

    when the brain-washing factor is in progress, so when we connect the things,

    we sometimes feel so repulsed about, how and by what thought process was used

    to inculcate into our minds, that these particular things were of an evil so vile,

    that if we were to partake or be a part of, we most assuredly would die.

    This is definetely mind control,brain-washing, in the most severe stages.

    That is why it is so difficult, to be in complete control of our memories that

    every now and again do surface.

    ( You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.)

    now where did i hear that?

    Kingdom Hall ---- 1956

    times, they sure have been changing

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