Richard Harris Gone, I Ain't Feelin' Too Good.

by Francois 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    I loved Richard Harris in Camalot! The vulnerable little boy/man.


  • Francois

    I've a touch of the Irish in me genes as well and I have quaffed many a brew, too many according to some. But like Harris, I wouldn't give up a day of it. Can't do it any more since I'm on daily medication for pain. That and alcohol don't mix. More's the pity.


  • Scully

    My kids even knew who Richard Harris was, thanks to his recent role as Professor Dumbledorr in the Harry Potter movie. They were quite distraught that he would have to be replaced by another actor.

    Love, Scully

  • D8TA


  • Robdar

    Someone left the cake out in the rain...

    "I don't think that I can take it

    'Cause it took so long to make it

    And I'll never have that recipe again...."

  • DakotaRed

    While I wouldn't classify it as Grammy Award material, I always enjoy listening to MacArthur's Park. My all time favorite by him, though, was the movie A Man Called Horse. From what I remember reading, it was fairly accurate, historically.

    His passing is sad indeed.

    Lew W

  • gilwarrior

    I remember seeing Richard Harris on a talk show a few years ago. (Letterman or Leno, I can't remember which one.) He told the story of being at a party and he got snubbed by Bruce Willis. He then started pretending like he was drunk and kept mistaking Willis for a waiter, on purpose. The way he told the story, it was hilarious!

    I also remember him as playing English Bob in the Clint Eastwood western "Unforgiven."

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