Why hasn’t someone gotten real pissed off yet?

by John Aquila 51 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cultBgone
    3rd Gen and DataDog have both hit the nail on the head.
  • Bonsai

    Wherever the (k)GB go, they bring their entourage of body guards, lawyers and helpers. They are untouchable.

    Most who leave, leave for conscientious reasons or moral freedom. That means they have a conscience and are not likely to be a sociopath or psychopath. The last thing they would want to do is trade a figurative prison cell made of fear, obligation and guilt for a literal one made of cold, hard steel.

  • 3rdgen

    DD and Bonsai I agree, however, I do know one DFed nut job who left threatening messages to the elders and stalked the meetings to the point where the police issued a restraining order. There is no doubt in my mind that if left unchecked he could have gone postal.

    Nuts are found in every walk of life. Just because someone leaves a cult doesn't always mean he/she is is not STILL a nut.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I've wondered why there have not been some disgruntled people who have returned to take their anger out on the JC Elders.


  • sparrowdown
    Sadly, some people's hatred for the borg turns inward resulting in depression, low self-esteem, social isolation and anxiety.
  • Protarded
    In my case, I realized that it was all my fault for buying into That fairy shite. The witness religions is partially responsible for my a lot of dumbassery in my life but being a gullible follower isn't one of them. I now own my actions and take responsibility for my failures. Where before I'd have blamed it on satan. Basically, I run my own show. To hell with those old sexually repressed emperors. They must live, not with the failures they experienced but the waste of life they never experienced.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    3rdgen 2 hours ago

    i think the GB IS concerned about the possibility. This fear is why tunnels were built for escape routes underneath the original headquarters and why the New headquarters is an isolated compound with plenty of security and an airport.

    I didn't know that. So they are concerned, good!

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    DATA-DOG 2 hours ago

    My theory:

    In order to discover TTATT, an individual must have objectivity and intellectual honesty. Every good thing associated with those two qualities must be present.

    I agree, and that actually speaks well for all of us here.

  • azor

    If my son had died from not getting a blood transfusion I don't know what I would have done. Now that I know what I know. I expressed this to a bethel elder in the service department with a pseudonym posing as a current elder.

    It is rather easy to get close to many of those a$$ wipes on the GB.

  • rebel8

    @ this sad moment, CNN is reporting breaking news of a shooting in a Louisiana theater. :(


    In regards to j-dubs doing this, it has happened. In my congregation, a bro got in trouble and there was some sort of altercation or argument with the elders. The elders accused him of demonism. I heard a rumor he was hearing voices, which fits with the story. Back then they thought there was no such thing as psychosis & counseled psychotic folks to stop their demonism.

    The bro then murdered his 2 young kids and wife, then went to a gas station, poured gas on himself and tried to light himself on fire. He was caught and arrested.

    They were a beautiful family and even the bro was really amiable, to my recollection. I don't remember any signs that he was mentally ill, but I was a kid myself back then and may not recall.

    My guess is this happened in 1978 or 1979. Does anyone remember this? Upstate NY.

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