Why hasn’t someone gotten real pissed off yet?

by John Aquila 51 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zeb
    JA must be the same angles given task to protect paedophiles.
  • prologos

    Bonsai (k)GB -- clever
  • SimonSays

    How sad and pathetic it must be to civilization when ignorance of a tragic incident in Louisiana USA sparks an ideological discussion about religion on the back of their tragedy, how petty you people really are. The thought of relatives thinking of just their slayed relatives on their hour of grief would want to read this garbage. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

  • whathehadas
    I've also wondered this myself. A lot of what's been stated is true. Most ExJW take ownership of their mistake in believing the WT. They go through the different stages of recovery and try to move on to what life they have left. Most have family in and do not want to go out as a criminal and further tarnish their name. I have personally felt like doing something. I realize though that it wouldn't help my situation and it would end any piece of a successful future I can possibly have. I do think that the possibility of something terrible happening to the WT would increase if there was a mass exodus. There are quite a few in the organization right now that have a few screws loose. If these people become aware of the TTAT.....it will be hell to pay. GB members Anthony 'Tight pants' Morris and Stephen "the Face" Lett will be prime targets. The WT would definitely have to triple up the security for those guys. All in all, while I wouldn't want to see it, I wouldn't be a surprise if it happened because the WT has hurt too many people. I'm sure either the victims of sexual abuse or the ones who've gave their WHOLE lives to the WT (i.e Bethelites, Missionaries, CO, Full time Pioneers) will be more likely to go postal.
  • azor
    FU Simon says. This thread started prior to the news breaking.
  • SimonSays

    this sad moment, CNN is reporting breaking news of a shooting in a Louisiana theater. rebel8

    5 HOURS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FU Simon says. This thread started prior to the news breaking.

    i wouldN'T expect anything less of a response from a lower life.

  • Bonsai
    I just found out after I posted. If anything the Louisiana tragedy highlights the validity of this topic. The ex JW community has never engaged in an act of violence on a scale such as that of what just happened in Louisiana. We are surprised (because we've all met a nut or two in the organization), but we are relieved and take pride in our non-violent activism against those who have abused and manipulated us on so many levels. Simonsays, you sir, are missing the point. Quit seeking to remove the straw from your fellow ex-JW's eye while you yet have not removed the rafter from your own eye.
  • JWdaughter
    Recent case of the guy who was DFd for cause and after ages of trying to be reinstated, he lost it and tried harming the elder that he thought stood between him and reinstatement by poisoning his family. He clearly lost all rational thought and the elder is fortunate that the guy didn't try to get more immediate action than slow poisoning. He said he was losing his mind with being ignored as if he were invisible ad his marriage was being affected (I understood more from the shunnning issue than from the cheating, but that could be the lawyerly attempt to color the case as a defense)
  • rebel8

    I read that sentencing was under way yesterday for the Colorado theater shooter, so maybe Simon Says may be confusing that with the Louisiana shooting, which occurred after this thread was started.

    Even if this thread had been inspired by the LA incident, I see absolutely nothing ghoulish or inappropriate stated here.

  • Watchtower-Free

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