I went through a metamorphosis over the years. At first it was horrible, I hated doing it. When I got into it, I did it to save lives and count time. At the end, it was horrible, I hated doing it.
What was your message
by A Paduan 21 Replies latest jw friends
I'm with LB. I was counting time. A day for a year, a day for a year. Well, hell, if God can do it so can I, or so I figure.
Get a few young ones in the car. BLAST out of the KH parking lot; slow down to about 80 going by the laundromat while someone tosses in a six-month old WT. "That's the same laundromat as last week. Count that as a return visit." JET over to the Waffle House and get in a booth. "Scattered, covered, smothered, topped, chopped, chunked, and whatever else you've got. And a large coke. That oughta keep 'em busy for a while." An hour later, after mentioning something vaguely JW-ish to the waitron and leaving another WT, slooooooooooooooooowly drive to the territory that I had assigned myself waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out in the boondocks. An hour later we get there. Call on one house preselected because it was obviously vacant. Leave magazine. Another return visit. RACE back to town, stopping at the Sac O' Suds, take young ones back where I found 'em. SCREAM home in time for the first pitch. Two and a half hours. Not bad.
I despised field service.
Sometimes I didn't even fake it like above. I just plain LIED.