G'day all,
How's the weekend going for you? Here in the great sunburnt country it's time to put the feet up and relax with a good cuppa, whilst I guess the north american posters and lurkers are still raging on Saturday eve.
Wherever you are, take a few minutes to just relax and unwind and enjoy reminiscing.
Here's this weekend's poll question:
How did you keep a record of your hours?
1. Entered the activity on a Field Srvice Report slip at the end of each day.
2. Kept a record in my diary.
3. Estimated (to the nearest 10! !)
4. Asked my wife/husband/mother/father...well, anyone!
5. Told the book study overseer to fill in the report himself.
6. Made it all up!
7. Report? What report??
8. Waited till the Service overseer/book study overseer phoned!
9. Went to everyone in my group collecting their reports, to tell them what a wonderful month of "activity" I'd had.
10. Other (please detail)
Enjoy! We look forward to your responses!!
Cheers, Ozzie