I am tired of all this ray v.s bill why can't we..

by Jesika 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    Why can't we all just drop it. Talking this to death won't change ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't understand the reason or need to "take sides".

    I know those of you who feel strongly about the topic, but pointing fingers and arguing has accomplished nothing.

    I am very involved with silentlambs as most of you know. I have also read Ray's book.

    Why can't we just respect what both men are doing, and remember that noone is perfect and we will say or do things---and no matter what SOMEONE will not agree with what we say or do.

    I mean really---what is all this "back and forth" going to accomplish???

    If their is a final answer, or a goal here---then I am missing it.

    Both men are doing what they believe in, I respect them both for that.


    *of the sick of the Bill vs. Ray debates class*

  • blondie

    I'm with you Jesika. Maybe it's a holdover from being a JW when we were taught there was only one right way.


  • Simon

    Hear, hear !!

    Well said Jesika. I think enough has been said now and it's high time the subject was dropped.

  • Sentinel


    You are sooooooooooo right! I have been getting really weary of so much of this stuff on here, and was hoping that it would soon pass.

    We have better things to do.

  • Jesika

    Blondie---good point

    Well, I am glad to see I am not the only one who feels this way.


  • orangefatcat

    Me too Jesika, I made up my mind I am not going to respond any more to these threads. I made a similar comment in Ray Franz started by Reckless. I love and respect both men. It is like a competition board around here. Lets get started with holiday season chit chat. Are you getting ready for the holidays? Have you started Christmas shopping yet? I haven't yet. I will start soon. Your Thanksgiving is coming up soon too. What day is it on? Well have a good evening and thanks for starting this thread Jesika.

    Love ya girl.


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Agreed, Simon. The spotlight stays fixed on Ted Jarasc.

    Your month is over, Ted Jarasc. You are found wanting, your kingdom divided in the eyes of Jehovah God. Pat Garza's saying that you sexually molested her when a District Overseer of Jehovah's Witnesses in Los Angeles has not been challenged by you. Your silence speaks volumes with the passing of every day and hour. If the rest of the Governing Body members do not dismiss you then they stand as a group convicted of apostacy.

    On another thread elders as well as rank-and-file JWs will be called upon to speak to your silence. Even if "innocent" your refusing to speak up shows contempt and is in and of itself divisive of the body of Jehovah's Christ.

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Jesika,

    Why can't we just respect what both men are doing, and remember that noone is perfect and we will say or do things---and no matter what SOMEONE will not agree with what we say or do.

    If Bill Bowen had followed your good advice given above, this whole mess would never have happened. He declared a civil war, no one else! It will be, though, up to those he maligned, because he did malign us also, to declare a stop because it is obvious his more rabid supporters will not.


  • Derrick

    Excellent counsel. It is tragic there are many unrighteous hearted ones who seem to be intensely enjoying this conflict, and trying to subtly fuel the flames into a major inferno. Your wise words will fly in the face of those who would ideally like to see Bill and Ray at each others throats, and make you very unpopular with these flame artists. While they continue to fan the flames of this misunderstanding with the intent on turning Bill and Ray against one another, posts like yours are like a hydrant of water. I hope other silent lambs follow your example and have your balanced attitude.


  • Derrick
    If Bill Bowen had followed your good advice given above, this whole mess would never have happened. He declared a civil war, no one else!

    In your wildest dreams, IW. Like it or not, Bill and Ray are rising above such orchestrated attempts to pit brother against brother. No dramatic "civil war" is coming I'm afraid. Your words are all wet, not withstanding the force of Jesika's hydrant. Kinda smells like flooded shag carpeting in here, with every step you take on the foam padding making a squishing sound...


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