I am tired of all this ray v.s bill why can't we..

by Jesika 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Mostly people who point fingers are doing so because it's a way of helping their own lousy self esteem. It's also part of the old JW trait of pointing fingers at those who don't make as many meetings as you do, or turn in less hours. You know the type....

    "I don't know why she doesn't pioneer, her husband makes enough money that she doesn't have to work. Maybe it's because she enjoys worldly things too much".

  • waiting

    Actually......................I've learned some good points - and have had to rethink several of my already conceived opinions (which I have dutifully kept to myself thank you).

    This is a discussion forum - and lord knows we've discussed this to death. But there's been some damned good pertinent points made on both sides.

    And we've got to learn more about these board-reclusive men (Franz & COJ) by their postings. Interesting writings.

    If one doesn't want to read these threads, one doesn't have to click onto them. Old jwd saying, btw.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Thanks Jes for starting this thread. I totally agree with you. I want everyone to get past this and let there be peace again.

  • Jesika

    Waiting--------First, thank you for posting.

    I am glad you have pulled some good from this topic. I only read a little to see what all the uproar was about.

    I agree with you about don't click if you don't want to read, but lately it is hard not to cause that has been the focus for a while now. Any good points, have been made, I am sure over and over again. Enough is enough. The bashing and snide remarks are uncalled for and don't benifit anyone. That's all, I just wish some of us could agree to disagree.


  • kenpodragon

    I am beginning to think this who war of the Bowen vs. Franz is the Jehovah the Witnesses always talked about ...

    After all it seems to have no beginning anyone can agree on and no end.

    My thought


    PS : I am walking away from this one too

  • ballistic

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. We are all playing a game run by a few. A few people can ignite threads which cause the normal people like you and I to respond. They are not necessarily the people who originate all posts. Just those vultures waiting to capitalise. Give them an inch and they'll take the piss. It's happening now, and yet no one will listen to this comment of mine again. This is spiritual warfare in all it's glory.

  • DJ

    Hi Jes,

    I'm gald you were brave enough to say it!! I agree and have been thinking the same thing for about a week or two! I didn't feel like starting a new war about it so, I chose to just skip the threads. I must say that I'm happily surprised at the amount of posters that are in agreement as well. Love, Dj

  • Iwasyoungonce

    I think it is disinformation. Argue the irrelevant. End my discussion.

  • Mulan

    I will comment because I can't stand it anymore.

    My husband told me this evening that we all need to do a close personal examination, to determine why we were susceptible to the JW's belief system. Once we determine that, we can be sure we aren't sucked into another movement, no matter how good. Even if we were born into it, or raised in it, at some point we made it our own, and swallowed it all.

    Just some more stuff to think about.

  • ozziepost


    I think there are many of us tired of this topic! Without "watering", perhaps this vine will wither and die!


    I know what Dave means!

    Cheers, Ozzie

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