What did you do to piss the brothers off?

by Pleasuredome 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Hmmm, all I did was tell them what they could do with their damned Kingdom Hall and throw them out of my house. LOL, then they acussed me of being prone to wrath. Hell, if I was prone to wrath, I would punched them out before throwing them out!

    Lew W

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    lyingeyes, that wasn't meno-pausing, was it?

    Guest 77

  • TresHappy

    My parents enjoyed berating me in front of others, even well into my 20's. One day I had enough of their crap. I stood at the back row of the KH and told both of my parents off, loudly and extremely obnoxious. My parents stood with their mouths open in dead silence. Guess what...they left me alone...

  • Iwasyoungonce


    Sometimes there is no other way.

    Standing up for yourself is the first step in standing up for others.

    Thank you.


  • ColdRedRain

    Dubbie parents do have a tendancy to do that.

    As for what I did to piss off the witlesses, I wore my flame printed shirt to meeting with a tie with my skull rings.

    All the <s>asskissing youths who knew no better</s> theocratic young ones "counseled" me on <s>disobeying the outlandishly strict dress code</s> looking worldly.

  • Swan

    I refused to take vacation time off from work to go to D'strict Convention. I didn't go Thursday and Friday; I went only on Saturday and Sunday. I also skipped the Memorial, which I had always found very stressful. I told the elders I was going to attend with my family at my brother's congregation.

    I missed many many meetings, and toward the very end I didn't go to any meetings/assemblies whatsoever. Nobody missed me. But they sure thought about me a lot when I sent in my DA letter. I felt it was the honorable thing to do. I have since learned that there is no honorable way out, but for me, I felt it was.


  • DanTheMan

    I didn't return the elders' phone calls. Oh, am I baaaad!

    This is a funny thread!

  • Prisca

    This is one funny thread!

    I wish I had the hide to do what you guys did. I think the only time I deliberately peeved off the elders was when one of them was asking me what I was doing, now that I wasn't attending meetings and field service anymore. I calmly informed him that I had joined a witches covern and was making animal sacrifices. Both he and I knew that wasn't the case, but it really angered him that I refused to answer his intrusive questioning.

  • Jesika

    My mom walked into my room while I was changing and saw a hicky on my chest!! My father was an elder and so I was brought in frount of a Comm. Meeting. I never confessed to anything, which led to my df. Just like I planned---------I was still a virgin at the time!


    If you want to read the Whole story it is at-------- http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=37768&site=3

  • orangefatcat

    In 1988 at a Judical Hearing for which I had been charged for drinking in excess and having been drunk on two occasions a member of that commitee was one of the brothers who was also at the same company picnic as I was and when he said to me that I drank in excess at that picnic, I looked at him and said to him in a stern voice with the other brothers there, "How dare you sit there and accusse me of being drunk when you yourself drank more than me and you have the nerve to sit here and try and counsel me on a judical hearing, I don't think so." Well the other two brothers looked at him and looked at me and the PO had the nerve to say to me, "he is not the one before the commitee you are". I was so enraged, that I wanted to leave. However the PO knew my anger and said we should pray for Jehovah's guidance in this matter. It was a way to calm me down. Anyway after the prayer the other brother on the committee, was related to this brother who was at the picnic, they were brothers in laws. This brother kept trying to trip me up. I may have had alot to drink but I was in full control of my faculties. I know however if I were stopped by the cops I would have failed a breathe test. No matter what was said in the meeting I was found guilty. I was to be reproved by a small group which included my immediate family. Oh by the way the brother that was on the committee and had been to the same picnic said not a word after my accusation to him. And my accusation was true and he knew it. Any way after this same group and private reproof, all of a sudden it was determined that I should be publicly reproved. So they read it at the KH and for one yr. I had not one brother come to see me or check on me and fianally when they did. I told them it was about time and how could you wait a year to come and see me. I guess I wasn't all that important.

    Funny thing the one brother at the picnic with us was removed as a elder and the other brother is now no longer in the organization any more. As for the PO he is still active in the truth and I saw him recently and he acknowledged me. More than what my family does. Yes those brothers pissed me off. and it was then I said to myself that I would never again go before a judical committee for anything no matter what.


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