(Let me know if anyone thinks my assumptions are way out of line, or if I've forgotten anything)
Basic facts:
The Australian Royal Commission has 1000+ documented cases of child abuse over 65 years. Current JW population in Australia is ~68,000. Of the 1000 cases, ~400 were disfellowshipped but ~200 were reinstated, so 800 abusers (80%) remained as part of the organization.
A few assumptions:
-- The proportion of child abusers among the JW population in Australia is roughly the same proportion worldwide
-- Since the JW population in Australia was much smaller in 1950 compared to now, it is reasonable to assume that the vast majority of the 1000 cases occurred within the past 30 years. Let's be conservative and say 75% (I suspect the ratio is higher).
-- A child abuser who has acted within the past 30 years is likely still alive. Given what we know of recidivism, he would still present a danger to the congregation.
Given all that:
-- Worldwide JW population is over 8,000,000.
-- (1000 * .75) / 68,000 * 8,000,000 = 88,000 cases of child abuse, organization-wide, in the past 30 years
-- Only 20% are disfellowshipped & stay out, so 88,000 * 0.8 = over 70,000 known child abusers who are active members of a JW congregation, worldwide.
Let that sink in a moment.
There are only 115,000 congregations worldwide.
How many child abuse cases are reported to elders? How many of them follow procedures correctly and call the branch?
Again, let's be conservative and say 1/2 of all abuse cases are reported to the elders. The actual ratio is likely much, much lower.
So, 70,000 known abusers, + 70,000 abusers who have not yet been reported. 140,000 JW child abusers among 115,000 congregations.
There is likely at least one child abuser "in good standing" per congregation, everywhere, all over the world.
Lurkers: Think there aren't any child abusers in your congregation? Think again.
Maybe you are lucky and there isn't. But if that is the case, maybe there are 2, 3, or more in the congregation that shares your Kingdom Hall.