Extrapolation of the Australia child abuse numbers
by sir82 43 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Mad Sweeney
JWs don't care what's "mandatory" according to worldly laws. They follow their own laws. If the Borg HQ tells them not to report, they won't report, regardless of the law. -
That is much different than "tell the elders if you see your JW classmate smoking a cigarette".
But you saw my point as to how that would affect the numbers?
JWs don't care what's "mandatory" according to worldly laws. They follow their own laws. If the Borg HQ tells them not to report, they won't report, regardless of the law.
We are not talking about reporting to the secular authorities.
Maybe 144,000 JW child abusers among 115,000 congregations
Probably the best estimate LMAO
But you saw my point as to how that would affect the numbers?
Yes, your point is wrong, but I see it Just kidding!
All of this is just speculation based on a single data point. We can make no hard and fast conclusions.
My point in this exercise was just to illustrate the magnitude of the issue. It is easy to say "oh, there are no abusers in my congregation / circuit", but if my numbers are of the proper magnitude (and I still believe they are), then JWs should be very concerned.
There are likely several abusers in every Kingdom Hall in the world, and maybe a dozen or 2 per circuit
Maybe many dozens, maybe a hundred, at a regional convention?
Lurking JW parents: Are you comfortable letting your kids run around "free range" at an assembly or convention? Should you be?
sir82 - "There is likely at least one child abuser 'in good standing' per congregation, everywhere, all over the world."
And THAT is the biggest reason why the WTS has been trying to keep a lid on it all this time.
Because if JW parents can't find a congregation to transfer to that doesn't have a sex offender in it, how many out there do you think will simply stop going?
And BTW, anybody who thinks that this isn't a factor in the WTS's fast-tracked e-religion transformation is naïve, IMO.
There are likely several abusers in every Kingdom Hall in the world, and maybe a dozen or 2 per circuit
I think this could be the case during a 60 years period but hardly at any given point.
I live in a country where reporting is mandatory and I have only heard of a few (less than 5) during a period of say... 40 years for the entire circuit. Brought about because the elders both warned people in the congregation and had the matters reported to the police (they where probably out of line with the "guidelines" but it gives me a good view of the situation in my area) None of these where "active" during the same time, either convicted or turned inactive and faded.
EDIT: then taking into account the cases I never learned about we are still not near such a high number.
You are suggesting that 2% of the JWs are "active" child molesters in good standing within the congregation.
That is 1 for every 50 publishers...
The opening submission to the Royal Commission says that there are 817 congregations in Australia.
It's hard to say how many of the alleged abusers will still be active - less than half? If we guess 400 then there would then be one alleged abuser per two Australian congregations. How many unknown abusers there are is anyone's guess.
When something of this nature is revealed, rest assured it is only the tip of the iceberg. Many more will come forward now it is being made public. My assertion is this "Those elders who knew of paedophiles and hid it might say they were only following the GB direction" Is that not the same as the German Nazis who lamented when discovered "We followed orders" -
Is that not the same as the German Nazis who lamented when discovered "We followed orders"
I was thinking that too notoneoftheboys. No Oscar Schindlers there.
There are 400K registered sex offenders in the USA and 320M inhabitants that is 0.13% of the population
Roughly 1 for every 1000 people
1.75% / 0.13% = 13.46
That would mean that JWs have almost 13.5 times more child molesters than the general public...
Both the 400k number and 1006 are of known molesters so this calculation should be fairly accurate.
That sounds way to much to me, 2x or maybe 3x but 13x?!?