hi every one. I"ll start by telling you that I was over at my brother in-laws house the other day with my husband. While there my four year old niece was showing me her new Disney video. My sister in-law turned to my niece and said " Sarah , why don't you tell your aunt about the SCARY video you saw the other day. Tell her about the scary part". So my niece turned to me and said " OHHHHHHHHH it was sooooooo scary , the people were all on the road and the earth opened up and they all went AHHHHHHHHHHHHH and fell down into SHEOL! " I couldn't believe at first what i was hearing so I turnedto my sis-in-law and said "what the heck is she talking about?" So she say's " oh thats from the newest wacktower video. She watched it with us the other day". All i can say is that I felt sick to my stomach. Nothing like getting the fear into the child when they're young. Ibrought it up to my husband when were in the car after and he tells me I"m always making a big deal out of nothing, and blowing things out of proportion. Does anyone out there have a nice solid brick wall I could bang my head on???? So any way back to the video . what is this video called ? whats it about?
newest JW video?
by annalice 13 Replies latest jw friends
Never heard of it - but what's the rating - strong PG13?!!!!
I guess it couldn't be any worse then the Nazi concentration camp movies we had to watch as children in the KH though (we used to have to watch them to get an idea of what persecution we may face later).
God, don't they care what happens to these children????? I still have nightmares!
I think it is terrible how they put fear into the hearts of children. I remember one day when my little sister yelled out on the bus oh! look at the wicked church all the people will die at armaggedon they don't believe in Jehovah. I really don't know if my mom was mortified or proud of my sister. But I sure as hell wanted to crawl under the seat.
Teaching children fear is so counter productive. They even grow to dispise people and yet at the same time they are suppose to teach their kids to love. How does a person or a parent rationalize this in the mind of his/her child? Not only is it confusing it is hypocrisy. Leave it up to Jehovah's Witnesses!!
I believe the new video is based on the 2001 DC drama, which was based on the Biblical account of Korah, Nadab and Abiram's rebellion (with generous helpings of self-serving artistic license on the part of WT). The drama was all about submitting to Jerhover's earthly representatives(tm) - OR DIE!!!!!!!!! The drama had the usual "veiled threat" Watchtower flavor. The drama made me ill, I was literally squirming in my seat. It was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I find it hilarious that they decided that this drama was so great that it deserved a full-blown video production. What a bunch of losers.
In order to have my 15 year old sister go to the gym with me tonight, I have to stay after and watch this video. I will log on tonight or tomorrow and give everyone a full report on what it is about.
Scarlet :)
I have a copy of the latest video. It's entitled 'RESPECT JEHOVAH'S AUTHORITY' and is a Bible Drama introduced by Samual Herd of the Governing Body.
'A prominent Levite Turns Rebel. Moses leadership is challenged. Loyalty to Jehovah is tested.
So, you know where they are trying to take you. More mind control crap to aid in worshiping the idol.
Outaservice (Film will never be recommended for any awards)
This has nothing to do with the video,but I know one family that would put a lot of fear into their children.With the blood transfusion issues,they would put the boy into the situation of him being forced to have a blood transfusion.They would ask the child questions and they would tell him he would die during armageddon.WELL,his baby sister fell on he mouth and cut her lip open.Her mother gave her a popcycle and she was getting blood in her mouth ,the boy freak and cried and scream,that she was eating blood and now she was going to die at armageddon.she used to do the same when he "very seldom" misbehaved during the meetings,pull him into the bathroom and tell him he may as well celerbrate christmas and die like all the other kids at armageddon.
That WAS TOO much.At the time he was only 5.
I just watched the Video.
Sickening. Mind Control. Threats.
KORAH is the "Code Name" for Bill Bowen, and other High-Profile Apostates and Ex-JW's.
The Main "Moral": Do not even DARE to say ANYTHING against the Elders, EVEN if they do something WRONG.
Edited To Add:
I was talking about Sam Herd, the Governing Body Member!
The actual Story seemed to stay pretty much according to the Bible.
The horrible part is when the Governing Body applies the story to the Elders as "Glorious Ones".
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 31 October 2002 3:22:31
This has nothing to do with the video,but I know one family that would put a lot of fear into their children.
I knew a family like that, too. Every time the kid got into some minor trouble, he'd get punished and end up asking, "Is Jehovah gonna kill me?" I can only imagine what the parents said to him in private to put him in such ongoing dread.
That's the type of family my wife grew up in. Forced meeting attendance and the fear of being destroyed by Jehovah at armageddon was used constantly to inspire fear of questioning their authority and as a tool for disciplining.