This is just all SAD!
newest JW video?
by annalice 13 Replies latest jw friends
It was horrible I watched it last night and came away thinking God is evil. I don't want to believe God is evil but if you believe what they tell you that is the only conclusion you can come too.
The god of the bible is evil.
I hope your 15 year old sister understands how much you love her, Scarlet.
You have to remember [if you are reading the Bible in context] that Moses was indisputably the earthly representative of god - pillars of smoke, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Plagues etc. etc. So Korah and Co. had no excuse for thinking that anyone else had any right to lead the people - they just thought they could take advantage of the hardships the people were facing to acheive their goals.
The Watchtower is just a bunch of men who don't even have the proof of a single fulfilled prophecy. No wonder God's Word warns us not to get frightened at false prophets!