They aren't my assertions. They are based on historical facts and current practices amongst lots of religious faiths, including the Dubs, many Fundamentalist churches, Islam, etc. If you will re-read my post, and I say the same thing every time, these studies - by individuals with doctorate degrees utilizing empirical methods - suggest correlations.
For thousands of years religious leaders have used emotions to control the rank and file. Throw them a miracle, a bleeding Jesus, weeping Madonna, an old shroud or appeal to their emotions for a better life by promises of pearly gates, playpens full of virgins and pandas but not before eradicating all the bad people - or people you just don't' like. It may as well be opium for the control it delivers. Give them anything that will make them feel and avoid thinking or requiring evidence about the men behind the curtain.
Appealing to emotions traps an individual driven largely by emotions and can even serve to hinder the growth of normally intelligent and rational people. And religion, any religion, is 99% emotional/irrational and 1% rational. In order to believe one has to ignore facts and bury one's head in the sand. Or just want to believe. Really, really want to believe.
Again, these are not my assertions. They are based on facts and the socio-evolutionary progress, or lack thereof, of humans. This isn't rocket science jhine. These are predictable outcomes. If it doesn't fit your church right now in the year 2015, that is excellent. It means x-tianity, at least some of it, is evolving - which I have alluded to previously. But jhine, look in your rear-view mirror at the recent and distant past of your church. It isn't likely pretty.