My take on this is as follows.
A Bible believing (accepting literally) person with a good education develops 'blind spots' which
fences-off, obstructs, or otherwise nullifies evidence which does NOT fit their religious schema. Otherwise, that educated person is able to take in facts and use them to form opinions.
(Note: my former brother-in-law, an Orthodox Jew, told me Orthodox students in college must use special Science Text Books made just for them which DO NOT broach certain topics which might weaken their faith.)
Contrariwise, the non-Bible believing person has no built-in boundary (Here there be dragons!) against
acceptance of evidence.
I call this pre-judging or prejudice.
It is dangerous at worst and inhibiting at best.
Remember the Republican debate where the candidates were asked if they believed Evolution were fact?
It was embarrassing to watch the gleeful response which placed 3 of them in Pre-Enlightenment darkness.
It's like asking, "Who believes we should burn witches?" and having all hands shoot up into the air and big smiles popping into view.
"Who believes dinosaurs drowned in the flood of Noah?"