by Derrick 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    Ok, let's assume this "horse" is flatulent, and stop examining this end. We walk around to the other side of this horse, pet him on the nose, and feed him some sugar. Thus, steering a contentious issue away from its negative side, and paying attention to the positive side, the question begs: WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE WILL NOT BE DESTROYED BY GOD? (At least, based on the Bible.)

    First of all, being destroyed verses being "put to death" can be quite different. Those who die, such as criminals who commit murders, pay the penalty through their deaths and are entitled to a second chance at life everlasting. Only God will judge them. Jesus Christ died for ALL humans. Being "destroyed" is different. Ones soul permanently ceases to exist, and they remain unconscious forever. That is a pretty serious fate for anyone to meet!

    Then who will escape this terrible fate that is reserved for some people like the angel Satan?

    Just about everyone on Earth and in Heaven will be spared this fate. Adam and Eve will receive a glorious resurrection at the end of the thousand years to meet the multitudes of their offspring.

    Since God is love, it is theoretically possible (but seemingly improbable) that Satan himself could suddenly turn against evil at the last moment and repent.

    The Bible does not indicate that anyone has to die. All can be spared. "God is love."

    There aren't too many Saddam Husseins to worry about, fortunately. Hitler's dead, so perhaps the repentant side of this "human monster" will prevail and show that even the most evil people are not necessarily incorrigible. Many of those training in "death squads" to commit terrorist acts, like Al Quaida, are seriously mentally ill and brainwashed youth with good intentions. They live by the sword and will die by the sword, but God has in store for them a resurrection. No matter how serious their sins, they are covered under the ransom sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    Speculating on who exactly gets destroyed is iffy, at best. Will Manson in San Quentin Prison who I hear is surfing the web from his cell, who knows might even be reading our posts, buy the farm and cease to exist for all eternity because of his heinous crimes? He orchestrated the Sharon Tate murders over 30 years ago. What about others worse than Manson? Will all the vicious criminals sitting on death row be destroyed, or will God resurrect them? Obviously only God knows the answer to this.

    Christians can say with certainty that evil people will be destroyed. Not good people! Not people like any of you! I believe it's likely that not one person who has ever posted to this forum, or ever will post here in the future, will be destroyed. I say this because I have faith that God will only destroy people whose hearts are pure evil.

    Has it ever occurred to anyone that some of the "demon" angels who rebelled before the flood, and in more recent times, have repented? What about Satan? Does God have to destroy this angel if he repents? The Bible is silent, only prophesying consequences of Satan's destruction based on assumptions that Satan remain God's enemy, which is most likely. However, reading the Bible from cover to cover reveals a fair God who has dealt judiciously and patiently with rebelling angels and Satan himself.

    Many of you took my post personally because I approached the "horse" from its negative or "flatulent" end.

    Sometimes looking at the issue from an entirely opposite perspective is good. That is why I thought it would be good to tell you who will NOT be destroyed based on the timeless and wise principles in the Bible that I have learned. Based on what I see, there will not be a lot of casualties. God doesn't expect your blind obedience, and will show each one of you the extent of his true glory and love in his due time. Don't be surprised if suddenly you "see" God in the form of something in your life that has no other explanation other than the existence of God.

    One day, hopefully soon, each one of you who doubts God's existence and true love for you, shall finally appreciate why his son bled to death, the weight of his body ripping the torn flesh of his bony hands as he slowly died on a stake, or was it perhaps a cross.


    Edited by - Derrick on 30 October 2002 21:50:58

  • shera

    Scriptures say,the "meek" will inherit the earth the earth.The wicked will be noahs days....was it a religion that survived?In sodomn and ...(G sp?) was that people in religion that survived?I don't think so,it was people who followed God's laws.Not a religion,all they had to do was stop what they were doing and walk into an ark or walk away from their immoral lives.I'll say there is some restrictions to live by God's laws.I read the bible and try my best to live by God's word.

    I'll never believe in religion.....I have the truth,and you don't...thing again.I don't think,one religion on this earth has full truth and..... I think they all have some truth.Man made religion and I don't feel Jesus came to earth to make religion.

    I will not go beyond the scriptures and I will not follow man again.

    I think our bodies are what we worship God in,not a place.I feel the bible was written for guidence and for faith.God telling us what to do to be saved.

    I know God is there and he loves the "meek" ones who are "seeking" him.

    O.K I babbled enough and I'll be back again sometime to babble some more.

    Take care all

  • Gopher

    It would be terrific to see those "pure evil" people destroyed.

    Will it happen? When? We've heard so many false prophecies and heard false promises, the heart just sighs.

    I would like to have the faith you display, maybe it would make my life better. But since I cannot see the proof of what you say just yet, I will have to play the waiting game.

    IN OTHER WORDS, we'll find out the important things -- like what happens after death, and what is the fate of the world, etc., IF and WHEN those things become important to us to know.

    If as you say, God will truly only destroy the evil people, then hopefully the rest of us will find out the important stuff when we need to know it. (I just don't have faith, or is it wisdom, to know which hope that is offered to us is the right one, and when and how it will come to fruition. So it's "wait and see".)

  • Gopher

    Shera, you said:

    I babbled enough and I'll be back again sometime to babble some more.

    Hey babble on! That's great!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Being "destroyed" is different. Ones soul permanently ceases to exist, and they remain unconscious forever. That is a pretty serious fate for anyone to meet!

    That's the jw wish Derrick - try the catholic view - they simply get to lie to themself forever and a day, and don't grow further - you know, not fore-given, hanging onto that "word" that prevents the Spirit giving growth.

    Then who will escape this terrible fate that is reserved for some people like the angel Satan?

    Do you think it could be people who aren't "in the darkness" about themselves Derrick - those that will say the truth of themselves.


    Well, that's not really a question for us - but you can be sure that there was something that got up Jesus' nose - and it seems to be those who keep their material goods from those who have less - especially while acting like a terrible parent that oppresses with guilt, although their own sin is only different (and depending on who you are, may be considered worse).

    I believe it's likely that not one person who has ever posted to this forum

    Why, shucks .


    Edited by - a paduan on 30 October 2002 22:32:18

  • shera

    heheh thanks

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I'll leave all the answers in my Creators hands, I like 'surprises'.

    Guest 77

  • Downunderandout

    So Derrick

    I am new here, please tell me are you a active un-d' JW and if so why do you post here. If not, what is your story.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I thought I should explain something from your last post Derrick

    reform is all about correcting erroneous interpretations

    This is a mistaken jwism - reform would start with an apology, then comes the correction

  • Inquiry


    Thanks for the clarification.... it helped a lot!

    It was a bit scary thinking you were attributing Hitler like attributes to people who simply wrote their own opinions about what God was to them.

    faith and beleif are a personal thing and as individual as our finger prints... as it should be.... these fire and brimstone kinda people just strike me as salesmen.... people who are in it for the prestige, position and self gratification... people who think much to much of themselves, and not enough about whose listening.... it's like their telling God what they want to happen, and really, it's disgusting.... normally, I skip posts like that... I spent 10 years listening to clap trap and maybe 10% of it was helpful, educational... the rest of it was self indulgent spew... reflective of the individual and what they wanted... much less any kind of spiritual haven....

    To each his own...


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