One time I was at a seminar for a "new age subject" in Portland. Well the whole time the instructor was speaking I thought I saw what looked like a silhouette of someone next to them. Although it was not dark, in fact it was more whitish looking then the background. I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, and then the speaker stepped down and it was still there. I walked up to it during the break and it started moving away and someone walked up to me out of the blue, grabbed my shoulder and said "I see you saw it too", then another lady walked up and said the same thing. I don't know if I would say that was spooky, but since then I tend to be a little less scared of things that go bump in the night. Mainly because when I walked up to this spirit, I got a very friendly loving feeling from it. I have hand many experiences like this since then, and when I look back over my life I remember other events as well.
"Do I see dead people?"
I am not in a movie, but I did see something and I can not erase that out of my mind and say it was those "Christian" demons. I would not have thought anything of it, if others that I never met had not described the same thing without me even prompting them for a description. I think there is a lot about the universe that can not be explained away that easy. I am just glad I am open minded enough now to at least think it is possible and not just say it is all "BS"
My thought