Getting alot of e-mails from angry brothers saying things like I qoute "this is the straw broke the camels back.." "Bloody idiots.." etc. Last nights news featured the Australian commision into Jehovah's Witness Elders not reporting pedophiles. It was VERY damning! Shockwaves are coming fast this morning. A Witness friend e-mailed me to say thats he's finished with the JW.ORG. After testamony from a molested now woman saying she found it hard to be at a judical meeting with her attacker, the Elder at the inquest charged with destroying records was asked if he would do things differently now to which he arrogantly said :"No...I would not." Such a good Elder!! This has done more damage then ANY theolgy discussion. Exposing Elders who worship the JW.ORG. and follow orders without question or conscience {ZIG HAIL Nazi salute} Two Witnesses every pedo brings a "witness" and don't call police we will handle it. Half of the 1,000 pedos were re-instated and are now happy Elders again! This is an Atom bomb for Aussie Witnesses.
Australian Witnesses shock bombshelled!! Arrogant Elders at Commision on Pedophiles!!
by Witness 007 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Israel Ricky Gonzales
It made my blood boil when the elder arrogantly said he would destroy records again because it's what they practice. Truly sickening. -
The JW persecution defense has begun! Just Amazing! Under Attack by Gog of Magog!
First Russia bans our website and now Headlines around the world are looking like the one below:
When answering the question of his disciples concerning the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus mentioned a “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Mt 24:3, 21)
Consider the concluding words to Jesus’ great prophecy as recorded by Mark: “Keep on the watch, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or at cockcrowing or early in the morning; in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find you sleeping. But what I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.”—Mark 13:35-37.
- See more at:
Mad Sweeney
I just commented on the jw-archive site. If it's run by a JW it will probably be deleted.
ToesUp, thanks for posting the link, although it kinda makes you want to throw up a little.
BUT we've already heard that thinking ones are leaving the cult, so let's hope the child rape stories will cut through the persecution hype.
It's a CULT, people. Please get out while your children still have a chance at a decent life!
For once I'm looking forward to the yearbook, just to see the decrease in Australia especially. -
I don't think the elder was arrogant just out of touch with reality. These men are taught to follow procedure not common sense. -
This is making me think of Under the Dome -
Brokeback Watchtower
I don't think any member of the Governing Body would feel safe setting foot in Australia from here on in.
Brokeback WT - "I don't think any member of the Governing Body would feel safe setting foot in Australia from here on in."
At the very least, the Legal Department wouldn't advise them to.