Damn you Brits!!! This show (airs on Comedy Central) nearly has me needing Depends.
Any other fans here?
by LDH 15 Replies latest social entertainment
Damn you Brits!!! This show (airs on Comedy Central) nearly has me needing Depends.
Any other fans here?
Nope...haven't heard of it. If its really funny, are you sure its not Aussie?? LOL
The genius of Dom Joly!
Click here for TriggerHappyTv site
I didn't know it was being shown in the US, I love this show Lisa!!!
Lately they've been showing a British TV comedy show called "The Sketch Show" - made up of little comedy sketches (funny that). It's quite funny, and many punchlines are original.
We love it - its so funny watching the passing people's expressions.
It's like Candid Camera used to be.
I myself am a fan of the THIN BLUE LINE.. lol. My favorite so far is the one where they are having difficulties in the bedroom and she takes him to one session of a Sex Therapist. ( who is quite zealous in her sessions)
After one, session um the man is definately willing to do just about ANYTHING not to return to therapy.
Of the thank God for BBC America.
I recently ran across this show on Comedy Central, and immediately became hooked. It is a hilarious experiment in psychology. The question is, "What will people do when confronted with casual insanity?" The answer in most cases is "nothing". Totally absurd things are done either to or in front of unsuspecting persons, and, it seems as if their social programming just goes into "That does not compute" mode.
Example: What would most people do if they witnessed 2 dogs fighting? Probably not much, but they might try to break it up. But what if the 2 dogs are very obviously 2 humans dressed in dog suits, in which one comes up and beats the stuffing out of the other in a bar, on the street, or wherever, and then walks off leaving the loser lying motionless. Do the observers try to intervene? Do they rush to help the 'dog' lying on the ground? Do they look for a policeman to help...call 911? No, incredibly, they just go on with their activities as if no impossibly insane bit of drama has accurred under their noses.
I just laugh and laugh with this show.
It was the giant squirrels that got me.
Oh and the "Congratulations on being our 1,000,000 customer outside a porn shop.
Ignored One.