My favorite (imaginary) British sitcom:
Bart: You're watching PBS?
Homer: Hey, I'm as surprised as you, but I stumbled across the most delicious British sitcom.
[the title of the show appears on the screen]
Bart: [reading it] "Do Shut Up"?
Homer: It's about a hard-drinking yet loving family of soccer hooligans. If they're not having a go with the birds, they're having a row with the wankers.
Bart: Cheeky.
% On screen, Eighties punk music plays as two brothers celebrate
% Christmas, hooligan-style.
Brother 1: Jolly sodding X-mas, major. [presents a bottle of beer] Choke on it! [whacks the other man over the head with it. Bart and Homer laugh]
Brother 2: Oh, crikey! You gave me a smash on the noggin last year.
[pulls out a crowbar, and the two begin to fight]
Mum: [walks into the room with a teapot of water] Not in my parlor, you don't. [throws the water on them]
Brother 2: Aw, me eyes!
Brother 1: Aw, I'm scalded, I am.
Homer: The mother's the voice of reason.
Bart: Here come the cricket bats.
[the two brothers advance on their mother]
Mum: You don't have the cobbles.
[suddenly, the show is interrupted by a man wearing a sweater]
Man: [chuckles] Classic. Not hard to see why it's England's longest-running series, and today, we're
showing all seven episodes.