I have no human contact! A CRY FOR HELP!

by gilwarrior 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    I'd like to be on the phone with Lilacs. How did you get to be on the phone with Lilacs? Do I have to pretend to have had no human contact for two months and then I can get to be on the phone with Lilacs? I think you were just kidding about no human contact so you could be on the phone with Lilacs, when you knew that I wanted to be on the phone with Lilacs, not you on the phone with Lilacs. Maybe I should start a thread called A CRY FOR A PHONE CALL FROM LILACS. You think that would do it, that she would call, and I could be on the phone with Lilacs? Or does that only work for you...being on the phone with Lilacs and all?


    P.S. I'm, I'm, I'm al...al...al (hic) right.


  • WildHorses

    Would you like a phone call from Lilacs? Just say the word! LOL


  • Mulan

    You can meet people everywhere..........grocery store, gas station, drug store, bank. Start networking. Maybe it isn't easy for you. So sorry you are so alone.

    Do you have parents, brothers and sisters? Cousins?

  • TruckerGB

    I did try.

  • joannadandy

    **HUGS** for Gil and Elsewhere...if it helps I have no social skills either! Hee hee~

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I was on the phone with two lips.

    Country Girl

  • Solace


    "Elswhere, you are a handsome man and nice to boot"


    You are sooo caring, sweet and smart too!

  • wednesday


    I so glad people are calling u. I toally understand what Elsewhere is talking about when he describes a typical day . I am not working now due to disability, and well it can get lonely. I have contact with my family and 1-2 friends, but that is about it now. I know a lot more people, but since i'm an inactive JW, well they don't drop around. So i decided-to get busy. I'm reading-i have joined an exercese class, and i may take a class. Before my mom died i always had her to care for. But if u can't change with your situation-then u will go crazy..Being able to adapt is the key..Once u get a job it will help a lot.

    I have to say, there are so many nice people here who are willing to help someone.

    And when u are able-think about seeing a therapist to help u with self esteem issues. Good luck

  • Mum

    Gil, Jesika's right. E-mail me. In the meantime, find out where to go to an Al-anon meeting, go to church, do some volunteer work, whatever. You can meet people anywhere. There must be an interest you have so you could visit or join a club where people have similar hobbies or interests.

    Human contact is not going to happen as long as you're in front of that computer!

  • jurs


    I understand how you feel. Phone calls are nice and so is email but there is nothing like face to face contact. I have a couple of suggestions for meeting people. Go to the gym and work out. Its a better habit than gambling and even if you don't talk to anyone your still around people. Exersizing is a great way to boost ones spirit. OR Join gamblers anonomous. You get to unload plus you have actual human contact. You might make some friends. OR I hate to suggest this but what about going to a NORMAL church. Some churches have singles groups or small meeting groups. Check out by calling different churches to see what they have available.

    Take Care


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