I have no human contact! A CRY FOR HELP!

by gilwarrior 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    I thought of a few more ways for you to make friends. I've moved al bit and here are some other ideas. Join a book club. VOLUNTEER!!!! What are you interested in? you can volunteer at homeless shelters, tutor someone, Museums often have volunteers , a library volunteer, volunteer fireman . Until you get a job it passes the time and looks great on any resume.

    Perhaps you can look at jobs that are social, like working in a grocery store. .....jurs

  • Farkel

    : How the f**k do you meet people! I have to talk to someone, anyone!

    Field service? You get two benefits: you get to meet new people every five minutes and you get salvation for doing it!

    Oh, nevermind.


  • Faraon
    : How the f**k do you meet people! I have to talk to someone, anyone!

    Field service? You get two benefits: you get to meet new people every five minutes and you get salvation for doing it!

    You also get to be rejected by most of them.

  • nilfun

    Gilwarrior, your post reminded me...of me.

    As a JW kid I was cut off from the world and was never properly socialized.
    Having no social skills, I had no clue about how to make a friend on my own.

    To this day I am very shy and it sometimes feels like torture just to make
    small talk with strangers, but I make myself do it anyway, because being isolated
    feels much worse. Believe me, you aren't alone in having those feelings.
    I can't add any more to the great advice you've already been given here,
    'cept to say, hang on, ok? cos you will make it out to the other side.

    Edited by - nilfun on 2 November 2002 0:21:53

  • pettygrudger

    Gil - I definitely think you need to join a group - Gamblers Annoymous sounds right up your ally. Along with dealing with your addiction, you may find others right in your boat.....and real life humans to talk with. There's gotta be a few in Las Vegas, and it doesn't cost any money.

    Also, finding a job, any job, in an establishment NOT directed towards gambling would be useful too. I know the job markets tight right now.....but working in "grocery stores" or other sorts of establishments isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person.

    My e-mails always open as well....Its not the "same", but its best in a pinch. An e-mail can be as warm and comforting as a real phone call.

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