Did your hall ever organize times for the congregation to do activities?
About every 6-9 months, mine would have a congregation picnic. People would bring food, and we would play a softball game. As a kid growing up, that was a lot of fun.
Once in a great while, someone would invite everyone over for a barbecue, but very rarely.
As I have posted before, I believe it is a shame that there were not more efforts made by the WTS to encourage the "fellowship" of each other. I found that all too often, there would be certain little groups that would get together, but not on a large scale, and you had to "fit in" to that particular group. But to socialize, it rarely happened. For a religion, whom the members are only to associate with other members, there really were no efforts made to encourage that. No, we were to busy being scared of the "weakness" of another, or maybe the other witnesses were bad association too. I remember so many talks at the assemblies warning us of other witnesses that might break us down spiritually.
My greatest memories though, were with a friends congregation. They did seem to get together more often, and during the summer, several congregations on that side of town would meet at a local beach, have fun, games, food, etc. Funny, in my hall, those congregations were looked down upon for being so "spiritually weak." Belonging to those halls, you might just as well been hanging with a worldly person.
Any social events when you went? Fun? Boring? Rare?