Congregation get-togethers

by freedom96 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Our congregation only had some gatherings, never congregation wide ones, until we became members. We did some BBQ's at our home including horseback riding and volleyball where all were invited. Then we rented the "river house" and again had lots of food and games. I was cautioned that I would be responsible for anything that went wrong so I always made sure the tell elders than they could be the spiritual police and to make sure they patrolled the parties.

  • nilfun
    the majority of brothers and sisters tend toward polite, correct aloofness rather than real friendship with their peers.

    Room215, I hafta agree with you, cept I'm not so sure about the polite part....

  • Pistoff

    whether or not you have parties depends on how much your local elders will bend the rules.

    We had elders who quite often asked a sister to get us all together, but he got canned by the corrupt CO along with two others.

    Then the new "zealous" elder announced from stage that no more than 8 people should ever be at a gathering, because he could only count 8 in a picture in a WT study.

    The same elder, oh never mind. He was such a controlling asshole you don't want to know. Suffice it to say he KILLED the social life in the hall, and created cliques of power that exist to this day, ten years later.

    The society wants us to believe that we have this great group, but we can't get together, we can't organize sports for our young people, we can't let them get educated, we can't let them get used to sex with a lifelong committment to the first person they have sex with.

    The result is the sorry-ass bunch of congregations we all attend/have attended.

    Congratulations, brooklyn; this is what YOU have wrought.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    My old congregation used to have picnics all the time. Lots of softball in the summer, probably every other week, quite a lot of tennis in the evening. Campfire things when it was cooler, the occasional 'talent show' with once in a while some real talent. Present congregation not nearly so active. Seems to be a local thing, you have to have the people willing to organize, and not too many nay sayers.

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