Sorry about your financial woes. The suggestions offered so far are good. I have some to add.
1. Could you live nearer to where you work so that you could walk to work and save on car expenses? 2. Do you have a reliable bus/public transportation system in your city or town so that you can reduce or eliminate the need for a car until your situation improves? 3. Have you contacted your creditors and given them an idea of your ability to pay? Most creditors will work with you and accept reduced payments if you are open and honest with them. 4. Are there opportunities to earn money at a second job, part-time? 5. Have you contacted Consumer Credit Counseling or a similar agency for help?
At one time or another, I have had to do all of the above except #5. I have worked 2 jobs, used public transportation (for everything, not just to and from work), have repaid creditors as best I could (but this was not a major problem, as my income was so low that I could rarely get any credit).
Things take some time to improve. Take one day at a time.
All the best,