My father is a painter and he went on a job to home after a JW family moved out.He noticed there was wiring under the flooring going to the fridge.He asked what this was about and the landlord told him a Jw family lived here and the father wired the fridge to an alarm.He would only allow his family to eat when he said so.If they tried to sneak any food it would set the alarm off,I was told they went there separate ways.Wonder why?This was a family from my old cong,and I figured it out to be an elders family.(this was a family that lived arcoss the street from the KH)
crazy JW family stories
by shera 25 Replies latest jw friends
Good Gawd, that's pathetic! I detest control freaks, and the org is swarming with them! My father is one, my brother(s) are, my ex husband is, and I've known lots of them in the org and couldn't stand them! It makes my blood boil when brothers throw around that phrase about being in subjection. They can kiss my subjective arse!!!
Dizzy Cat
Agreed - the headship thing is widely abused. I still deal with a brother (although he is rather fringe shall we say) and his attitude towards his wife is dreadful. She quickly turns into slave class ..... fetch this, do that, do this.
Thing is, he is a nice guy usually, but the poison in his mind dictates his actions.
Yes ,I agree with yah there.I think a lot of JW men and any man in religion,take those scriptures and twist them into something its not meant to be.What ever happened to honor your wives?Its the contol freaks who take them and use them for an excuse to control.
MEN,don't take me wrong...I am not singling out all men...there is good loving men out there.
When my brother was married to his now ex-wife, he wouldn't allow her to learn how to drive (she was from New York and never learned), she always had to have him or a friend take her where she wanted to go (unless HE felt it wasn't important enough to him). She had no freedom whatsoever, and she even used to put his shoes on FOR him, which makes me ILL just thinking about that. He was always very demanding of her, she ran around like a nut case getting this and that for him, doing whatever he said, like a little obedient, well trained DOG! All the while, he's helping himself to other ladies in the hall! Needless to say, I don't like my brother very much! My mom is a Yes woman, and she'd never even consider disagreeing with him or try to express her differing opinions, she just did as he ruled things had to be done. My mom used to tell me when I was growing up that I should find myself a good elder to marry. No way, no thanks, nosireeee.
this topic is becoming more and more interesting...beginning to realize that maybe this subjection thing is what hurt my marriage 9 or 10 years ago. My wife at the time was very, how would you say, non-controllable? She was her own person and very independent. Logic at the time (if you want to call it that) dictated that I had to control her and turn her into someone she wasn't. If I wanted to be an m.s. or an elder, she had to be exemplary and I needed to make her that way. I felt uncomfortable doing that, because I'm not that type. If I knew now what I knew then...
Being raised to be the head of the household and all that male macho bullshit tends to stick with a guy and takes years to shake. I went through two marriages while a JW and now that I look back and see how absolutely controlling and bullheaded I was. It completely embarrasses me and I am ashamed of the person I was. She had her problems too but being in that blinded cult all I could see were her faults in the light of a wife that refused to be under subjection. The more I demanded subjection the worse the marriage got.
My ex-wife and I have been divorced for over 12 years now and she still hates me because of the way I controlled her. I have apologized many times but she just won't let the past go. We have three sons together and I would like to be friends because of them but I don't think that will ever happen. I'm glad I have figured it out now but as I look back over the past 12 years I see how I still had that JW mindset when trying to have other relationships. To my surprise it didn't go over well with so called worldly women. I am pretty much through with that and have come to realize that any good relationship takes a lot of listening, asking of questions and thinking about the answers. Looking at your mate eye to eye as an equal and not thinking that you are the master of the realm also helps a lot. It took a long time to figure this one out.
After not dating or being with a woman for the past two and a half years it has given me a lot of time to rethink my thinking. I am now beginning a new relationship with a woman who I have been friends with for seven years. If any of the JW mind control bullshit or resulting insecurities start to pop up she recognizes it immediately and lets me know. I need that and I love that. Who knows maybe for the first time in my life this one may actually work. If it doesn't, I'm buying a sheep.
I guess we all just live and learn.
Dave,thanks for that.That is great you see controlling a woman isnot what makes a man a man.
Realizing that you are only an idiot half the time makes a man a man. Doing something about it makes you human.
Good point Dave