There was one REALLY socially inept family at my hall. NONE of them knew how to socialize. Being invited to their house was always torture, but how do you say no to the association of our brothers and sisters? *gag* So pretty much every whacky story has to do with them. Here is one that will always stick out in my mind...and oh how I wish it wouldn't.
Once we were over there and their oldest daughter (who was like 14 at the time) was goofing around, in a dress, I dunno what that was about. Anyway, she was like kicking her legs around and in front of everyone her weird ass dad says " N____, your vagina is showing" Not please stop acting like a spaz, not "darling calm down", nor even pulling her aside and saying, "maybe you need to put pants on if you want to act like a crack addict" Nope, instead he said THAT, in front of all of us. I was horrified! And yet, while I didn't expect THAT response, I was not surprised he say something so stupid in front of everyone. He was all about shame and control.
Another time we were organizing for field service, and HE NEVER wanted to work with his famil. He was always farming out his four daughters to all of us. Gee thanks. Yeah one day he announces, after the brother organizing the car groups asks if there are any special arrangements, "Yes I think my daughters would like to work in different car groups, but I don't know if anyone will want to work with them, they are all on their periods."
With a father like that it's no wonder they all turned out as screwed up as they did.