Liars is what the Governing Body are:
Is The Watchtower Corporation In Financial Trouble? Are The New Donation Drives A Harbinger Of Future Impending Lawsuits Payouts?
by Brokeback Watchtower 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Brokeback Watchtower
Lett little talk is full of Freudian slips pick them out.
And play both videos at the same time making the 2nd vid as back round music start #2 after Apostate Lon comments and enjoy sic>.
All this latest focus on asking for money and the recent kingdom hall stealth tithing policy is proof positive the GB and especially Lett are absolutely corrupted by money. They love and worship mammon, greedily and shamelessly begging for it constantly now, ruling as kings in their newly built luxury retirement complex.
Once the new resort @ Warwick opens up they will lock that thing up tighter than a drum! Then they will send all the little workers they "used" back to the "field." -
Brokeback Watchtower
May now enjoy their new PCB contaminated home/headquarters smack dab on a chemical waste site, they sure are Discreetful. -
They deserve to rot in a nuclear waste dump - here's hoping! -
Brokeback Watchtower
Notice the part where Lett is telling his audience about Moses telling the Isrealites what his imaginary puppet YHWH has said about collecting valuables from people.
Apparently Moses and Lett suffer from the same delusion of speaking for YHWH. Being appoint by YHWH who's speaks to them in various way which are basically their own ideas projected on to this imaginary Deity which resides primarily in there own minds with strong numinous overtones:
having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity.
"the strange, numinous beauty of this ancient landmark"synonyms: spiritual, religious, divine, holy, sacred; More -
Brokeback WT - "Is The Watchtower Corporation In Financial Trouble?"
Even if the WTS is rich in assets, it's revenue flow that keeps a corporation in the black, and they've as much as admitted that the faucet's running low.
I say let 'em have their little Watchtower Masada.
History shows how that turned out.
Lett says that WTS needs 170 RTOs (Regional Translation Offices) at the cost of $1Million to $everal Million EACH.
Is the average JW too stupid to question WHY "remote" offices are needed in all these locations for the purpose of translation? Can't translation be done with a laptop damn near anywhere? i.e., the local Kingdom Hall? or in fact, anywhere in the world?
Just heard an LDC guy speak recently, their plan is to build 300 Kingdom Halls per year in the USA.
Even at just $500,000 per (which is probably quite low - probably closer to a million), we're talking $hundreds of millions per year, year after year. And that's just the USA.
That's a lot of cash flow they will need.