It's true. I have two brothers. They are both older than me.
My father's oldest son was born in November of 54. His second son was born in the summer of 56. I was born just over a year later in November of 57. So, yeah... I have two brothers, but I don't think I could be more distant from two men than I am from them. It's a fact that I'm not especially proud of... that I'm not close to my brothers.
See... one of 'em... the oldest, is a Dub. A hard-core, dyed-in-the-wool, can't wait for Armageddon Dub. He's so serious about it that even when his own mother (who's prolly even more of a hard-core Dub than *he* is) invites him to family (meaning: blood relatives) 'gatherings' where there will be ex-JWs like me... he absolutely refuses to attend as if his immortal soul is at stake -- as if his Jehovah will strike him down with a thunderbolt if he showed up to fix hisself a plate of barbeque and potato salad... like the ex-JW-ness that plagues *us* just might rub off on *him*, I guess.
The other one, born in between me and the Oldest, left the JW religion years before he turned 20. His departure from "Jehovah's Spiritual Paradise" happened after he read the notoriously demon-inspired "Autobiography of Malcolm X." After reading Malcolm's story, Brother Number 2 came to believe that the Nation of Islam is where he oughta be.
[Side note: Some years later I read the same book and, after reading it, wondered how somebody could read (and understand) that book and become a member of the Afro-centric Nation of Islam. But I digress...)]
To his credit, he has since left the NOI and has become (without exaggeration) way more Orthodox in his Muslim-ness -- probably overly so. He now knows that what he was taught early on was a buncha bullshit, but he's still extremely religious -- in ways probably more so than my JW brother.
For example, the last time I talked to him, he told me that there was a certain "Allah-approved" way of entering a room ('left foot first') and a certain number of times you could kiss a friend / loved one on the cheek upon greeting them ('an odd number... never an even'); and a certain number or prayers (five) Allah expected every day. Even the exact words of some of the prayers.
We talked for more than an hour. Well... he talked and I mostly listened to the ins and outs of his religion and his fascination with it. I don't know if he noticed, but I spent much of the time wagging my head from side to side, rolling my eyes and sighing heavily... wondering how in the hell he could have gotten trapped up in one religion after he found so much disdain for *another* one of equal elitism.
I have two brothers.
I love them both.
In the next minute, either one could call me with a need and I would be there.
But in fundamental ways, I am furthest from them than every other man alive.