Surely it takes more power and intelligence to create the world as it is and by a process that we describe as "evolution" , rather than by a single creation event?
by SpannerintheWorks 13 Replies latest jw friends
Surely it takes more power and intelligence to create the world as it is and by a process that we describe as "evolution" , rather than by a single creation event?
If you are wondering...JWD has gone funny...
Funny? Howzat?
I'm solidly behind evolution. Science has always, in the end, triumphed over religion. It's going to over this question as well.
Surely it takes more power and intelligence to create the world as it is and by a process that we describe as "evolution" , rather than by a single creation event?
I would say regardless how it was done the intelligence level would be uncomprehensible to say either way.
You know something, I have never had any explain to me why a intelligent God would create a planet with Dinosaurs to roam for millions of years. Then in the last thousand or so create some mammals to worship him. Why didn't he think of that in the first place, as the Christians say "God never changes."
To answer though, I think God (who ever you see that to be) is as intelligent as you make him out to be. If God was really a genius he would speak up for himself more often and not leave it to the intellect of man to try an explain him.
My thought
Dragon, perhaps the idea is for us to continue to evolve so as to arrive one day in that high spiritual estate when we can see him? Perhaps the idea is that we are to search for him, rather than have him jump from behind a tree one day screaming Voila at the top of his lungs?
MY thought.
I do think we evolve as a species and as a spiritual being. I agree with that thought.
My thought
Perhaps the idea is that we are to search for him,
Well, if someone finds him...I hope to hell they tell me where he is before I die.
I agree Frank. If we do not destroy ourselves first...the time will come when we will either know Evolution just happened, someone set it in motion, or their is life on other planets and we will know who started it and how.
If we wait on the God of the Bible to find out....the mountains will petrify (petrify? the hell do you use the spellcheck available here?)
Is God intelligent?
The more profound question is, "Is mankind intelligent?"
Design bespeaks intelligence.Intelligence bespeaks a mind.A Mind bespeaks a person.Evolution or Creation,one without the other or both mixed together. Design bespeaks intelligence and so on.Blueblades