I have this major fear and I mean MAJOR FEAR of driving close behind or along side of a semi or logging truck. Its very upsetting and scares me silly. People I know have told me that I must have been smooshed under one in a previous life.
I have learned to keep my mouth shutt whan it comes to certain things. Although to me so much of it seems like common sense, too many times it seems like when I say things out loud, awful things happen so Ive learned to shush.
We live near a University and every year they have a traditional senior walk where all the students walk from bar to bar. Its been going on forever. By the time they reach the last few bars they are usually very drunk. This walk also involves crossing a rather large bridge. One time I said, "I cant believe after all these years, nobody has gotten drunk enough to jump off that bridge. The very next day, the front page of the news reads, "Two University students jump from bridge during senior walk."
My family was like, "You made it happen." Honestly, like I would really do a thing like that. Sheeesh....
BTW, the drunk jumpers were fine.