FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)

by freemindfade 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse



    Spot on, bro! I might add that the "One True Religion" in all of human history is having a hell of time understanding the role of the "Superior Authorities" set in place by Jeehoober-Cloud Rider. Perhaps the Great Septa-Pope has lost faith in Jeehoobie's holy writ??


    If the Septa-Pope has one functioning brain between them, they will implement sweeping changes, tell the R&F that evil men crept in, ( they have set the ground work in place, BTW ) DF or say they DF'd some apostates, and say it was Jehobo's doing!

    Are they smart enough?? Or, will their arrogance dig their grave?


  • truthseekeriam
    Well said! I totally agree and would add that not going straight to authorities first they are also exposing the victim to much more trauma then need be.
  • freemindfade

    "Jeehoober-Cloud Rider" lmao

  • Oubliette

    FMF: at the root is in fact the arrogance and self protection of the organization.


    FMF: The fact that they don't do this shows the institutional desire to protect their own image

    Yes, and

    FMF: They will generally protect the predator for their own selfish interests

    Yes, absolutely yes!

    JW elders should be mandated reporters.

    Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act

  • Londo111
    Have any apologists been saying anything this week?
  • freemindfade
    Londo111 I told my wife, and she didn't even respond or acknowledge but I know from past discussions of these cases, and things I've had shared with other faders who mentioned to elders, the defense hasn't changed. They feel right and entitled in everything. No wrong has been committed.
  • freemindfade

    Great video provided by cappy, reinforces the fact that they have exposed others to harm from pedo's by not acting.

  • opusdei1972
    When I was facing a judicial committtee many years ago, one of the elders asked me if I would prefer my family instead of obeying Jehovah when persecuted. He specified: "if the police threat you to kill your family if you don't tell some names of the members of the congregation, what would you do?...would you betray your brothers?" I said: "I have never been in that case". So, the elder told me: "we must hate our flesh to obey Jehovah".
  • Vidiot

    stan livedeath - "if you think about it----this could be a great opportunity for the arrogant asses running the cult to admit their faults--spin it to be jehovahs way of straightening things out--and use the opportunity to dump a lot more of the crazy rules and unpopular regs that cause them soo much trouble. maybe time for watchtower reborn?"

    Not a snowball's chance in Hell.

  • Viviane
    Well their interest and motive is often in protecting their own ass, their own privacy, and their own embarrassment.

    Yeah, they're a bunch of donkey-farking assholes.

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