Happy and/or Wise

by StinkyPantz 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    "The believer is happy. The doubter is wise."- Hungarian Proverb

    I agree with this. I'm not sure exactly what context the speaker was referring to but I was once told that being a doubter (in God) was a terribly bad thing. I disagree, I think that doubting and questioning things helps me grow as a person. I know that the proverb doesn't say that unbelievers are unhappy (then I'd have to disagree with it) but it made me wonder, if I had to choose between happiness and wisdom, which would I choose?

    I feel like I already chose wisdom by leaving the Dubs, and I'm much wiser for it. . .

    . . . .which would you choose?

  • DakotaRed

    Stinky, I like to think that by having the wisdom to question, we can also find the happiness we seek. For me, I have to believe I have a little of both.

    Lew W (of the older, wiser and still just as broke class)

  • Mackin

    In the immortal words of Douglas Adams:

    I'd rather be happy than right, any day. - Slartibartfast


  • Prisca

    By rights, wisdom should bring happiness. But are the wisest people necessarily the happiest ones?

    I'd rather be happy than wise.

  • Robdar

    To me, the wise choice is to be happy.

  • Mac

    I'd like to compromise---could i just be somewhat knowledgable and mildly content???????


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    When your traveling on a road and you come to a FORK/DIVIDER, would you prefer to go left, right or straight? In our best, interest we would use wisdom to choose left or right and we will be happy for it. How many situations have you experienced that required wisdom and you were happy for it?


  • Undecided

    I try to be happy since I have experienced this, but wisdom is something I have never had.

    Ken P.

  • minimus

    If you ask most people, I think the response will be that they would rather be happy in life. Many unhappy people have learned the hard way in order to learn wisdom. Many people are dumb and happy. Many people are very smart and unhappy. Happiness always wins!

  • Crystal

    We all have wisdom or we would'nt be here.

    wisdom Pronunciation Key (wzdm)
    The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
    Common sense; good judgment: It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things (Henry David Thoreau).

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