Happy and/or Wise

by StinkyPantz 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    The wiser you become, the less happy you are. Cause then you realize the validity of Rule Number Two -- the world is full of fucking morons. That's my philosophy.

    I don't know how Naeblis manages to be so happy and wise at the same time.

  • Kingpawn

    I think I'd choose wisdom. With that comes things like knowledge, humility, the realization that by helping others you make the world a better place for both you and they. Wouldn't being happy and unable to help others lead to unhappiness in the truly concerned person?

  • Robdar
    Wouldn't being happy and unable to help others lead to unhappiness in the truly concerned person?


    You make some valid points. However, I do not completely agree with the above statement. Why would being happy prevent you from helping others? In my opinion, a happy person is more likely to have a love of life and a willingness to share the secret of that hapiness with others. This is a great gift to impart.

    Just because a person is happy does not mean that they do not have wisdom...



  • jack2

    I like to know the truth. And if the truth doesn't make me happy, so be it. If it is disquieting and I'm not happy to hear it, I think I can live with that, because at least I'd know the truth.

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