My grandma

by Vivamus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    To Viv,

    Our sympathies to you in your sadness.

    That was a lovely photo of your gran.

    Ozzie and Mrs Ozzie

  • Dia

    Thank you for sharing that beautiful story.

    It is an inspiration on living and on loving.

    I will be keeping a copy of it..

  • Shakita


    So sorry for the loss of your precious Grandma. Our memories are our link to our lost loved ones. I am so glad she left you with such wonderful memories.

    Your Grandma seemed to have that inner strength that my Dad had when he died last year of cancer, too. When he was here in my home on hospice care, we together had to make the decision to stop all intravenous lines because they were just prolonging his pain, and death was within days. I never saw my father cry. He was of the generation where it was unmanly to cry in front of others. Well, that day my Dad cried. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to confront in my life. I miss my Dad. He was a hero to me. It seems like your Grandma was a hero to you, too. God Bless all our heros.

    Take care.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Sherri

    Thank you for sharing your very touching story. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • Undecided

    Hi Viv,

    I'm really sorry that you lost you grandmother. I'm sure you and the other members of her family is what made her life so valuable to her. Your fond memories of her would make her happy as this is about all us old grandfolks can leave our kids. May her love continue with you throughout your life.

    Ken P.

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am so unready to lose my gramma, I don't know what I would do. I am so glad you got to be there for her, as difficult as it undoubtedly was. Cancer is suh a hard thing to die of. I lost my best friend to digestive system cancer...

    My heart is with you. I know that you and your gramma will be together again someday.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Hugs and love going your way. So sorry about your grandmother. They are indeed very special people.


  • Dutchie

    Viv, please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved gran.

  • jack2


    Your grandma's strength and grace, and your strength and grace, through all of this has been remarkable. I am very sorry to hear about her passing. What you have written about her and your family is very touching.

    Edited by - jack2 on 6 November 2002 11:2:54

  • Francois

    We have wondered where you were. I'm very sorry that your grandmother has gone on. I'm very certain that when you get there, she will have a seat saved for you right next to her.


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