Will Child Abuse Issue Keep Growing Like A Forest Fire?

by OnTheWayOut 50 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TheListener

    I wish this issue never happened and I wish it wasn't the achilles heel of the witnesses - because this is a terrible terrible thing and no one should have to go through it. I hope the victims that have been silenced by their own doubts and fears or by elder bodies and family members find that they can come forward and be heard and get real help from trained professionals. And I hope that in the process the WTS goes completely bankrupt!

    I agree - let's turn the silent lambs into roaring lions!!

  • TheWonderofYou

    Why are there no public commissions in other countries?

    To few victims that stood up, but in US. there are many hmm. US system is more about paying compensations than child welfare? UK? Where is the child welfare?

  • OrphanCrow
    Mad Sweeney: I would expect the UK and other European nations to be next. The USA will be last to follow most likely.

    I anticipate a Canadian response at some point. This country has been fairly quiet up to this point on the issue of child abuse within the JW religion.

    Canada has a good record of handling historic abuses by establishing Commissions and giving voice and restitution for victims.

    Smaller countries seem to be more transparent - it is hard to hide within small populations. Maybe the victims in this cold northern land will brave the weather and start to come forward. All it will take is a brave legal team to start a class action.

    Lifeistooshort: I love what you said about changing silent lambs to roaring lions.

    Ah, yes...that roaring lion that the WT has depicted as standing and threatening the JWs is going to turn around and bite the WTS right where it hurts - and I hope that it takes a great big bite.

    This crow can transform to a mama lioness pretty fast - mama lionesses like to hunt. And they don't like it when cubs are in danger.

  • truthseeker100

    The wonder of you : Another idea would be to create special therapy centers for JW abusers, where they can go to the assemblies and preach to each other, but not from house to house

    That's a good idea the witnesses with their own pedophile section at assemblies where all the preverts could assemble and collude with one another. The society could print a little guide book and they'd all be happy as one big inclusive family. I am surprised the GB hasn't already thought of that!

  • OnTheWayOut
    Sorry, just as importantly- I lost my thought when interrupted and wanted to post before I flew out the door.
  • TheWonderofYou

    Humor and belief in the Holy spirit is the only solution for me to cope with that terrific handling of abuse cases within Gods organisation.

    Here is another proposal about handling abuse cases for the clever Body to consider.

    All victims receive help

    All 1006 victims in Austrialia and all registered e.g. filed victims worldwide (inclusive the filed cases in US - lower than 23720 in any case as WT reported to BBC) will receive adequate help. The body shall already wisely rededicate a major insurance policy for these abuse cases, so instead for paying in for the risk of stormlosses at our muliplse headquarter we now can use the money better for our beloved abuse victims.

    Those victims who were afraid reporting abuse until now because of fear of excommunication like little sheep or lambs are now warmly invited to do it and to register the case at the state commission or at the police instantly.

  • TheWonderofYou

    A special convention "We apologize" shall be already planned now.
    The Body shall publicy apologize for the happenings like the Pope did, which will be broadcasted on the own TV-channel to reach the whole world with the Bodys' apologize before their brothers and sister worldwide.

  • TheWonderofYou


    All victims are warmely and heartedly invited to apply for therapy at our cost. They will receive a special therapy and a long vacation togheter with their parents at the cost of the Body in the new Recovery works.

    So the Body shows how much he loves the victims in the midst of our congreagtion. The warm atmosphere on this tropical island and brotherly love of the recovery team will help the victims to come back to health.

    The team will consist of professional educated sisters and former victims, this will be the right upbuilding atmosphere on voluntary basis but payed by the society. This will be relaxing place on a beautiful island in the south pacific, near australia.

    The Body will come up for all expenses of course.

    After return to the home congregation the abuser will not be there anymore. We cannot force a victim to be in the same congregation as the abuser. The abusers will visit the new established "abusers concentration congregation camp ACCC".

    The Body shall be obliged to further come up for 10 years of living costs and therapy of each victim.

    We dont wanna hear that investments that have been financed with our hard work and hard safed money are sold.

    Therefore we want that the Body wisely thinks about how to let the money and investments work for the victims that are further working in the kingdom preaching work and thus worth to get every cent and effort.

    If the Body should ask the members to pay yet more money into the kingdom works, 15 % of each cent shall go to the new established kingdom recovery works for abuse cases.

    The more we pay in the better will the help they get. Optional suitable guidance will be presented in printed form too, the congregation will receive written info soon about the new donation scheme.

  • truthseeker100

    The Body shall publicy apologize for the happenings like the Pope did, which will be broadcasted on the own TV-channel to reach the whole world with the Bodys' apologize before their brothers and sister worldwide.

    You or I will never live long enough to see that. God's sole channel of communication with the low life R&F and the mentally diseased does not apologize. TSK, TSK.....

  • TheWonderofYou


    Possible "Divine institutional responses for abuses cases" already worked by Tower-laywers and waiting to get put out of the drawers.

    To show our christian compassion with our beloved victims we ask the Body to establish

    - a "crisis intervention team for abuse accusations" that will have first contact with victims and abusers to minimize the first risks after such an accusation

    - a "permant abuse commission" that will trace any accusion, watch the abusers like the police and make final reports to the police.

    - and a establish a new entity called the permanent kingdom recovery works.

    The judicial committee of elders will only form to talk about spiritual matters and consequences for the other congregation members, but shall not act as investigator in an case of abuse.

    The elders duty will be to call as primary action the new crisis intervention team (to help the victim) and the new permanent abuse commission (to watch the offender)

    So the primary action in case of accusation will be done by the crisis intervention team for the victim and simultanousley by the permanent abuse commission, they are acting as civil authorieties in cooperation with the police.

    The local elders sheperding judgical committees are not concerned with the matter at all.

    Details about the crisis intervention team (protecting the victims):

    In case a sheperd elder is aware of an accusion of abuse he has to call professional help namely the "JW crisis intervention team for abuse cases" establihed in each country prospectively.

    The JW crisis intervention team holds the first contact with the victim. It decides together with the victim about the following steps and organize the revovery.

    It will consist of

    - a JW female doctor, worldly educated or if not available a worldly female doctor

    - a professionally desaster trained sister for abuse cases, maybe even a former victim now working for the recovery service.

    Preparing and organizing the recovery of the victim is the utmost duty of this new "crisis or desaster team". The victim shall receive all necessary help from within the christian cong. and from professional outside too. As soon as the "Kingdom recovery works" is established all victims will have the possibiliet to begin a new life, thanks God.

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