It looks like this is a firestorm of thought as so many responded. I had to click send before I finished typing. But enough was said. Let me respond to some.
Page 1 responses,
StarTrekAngel, even short of a hearing in other countries, I hope that just hearing of a ruling against WTS in another country will be enough to push it past the allegations stage.
truthseeker100, I imagine it will eventually be on the PBS type of international news. I really hope it makes CNN more and more. I know it already did. I really picture most JW's as more the CNN type.
OrphanCrow, great comments on "the trigger." Exciting times ahead.
LITS, I can imagine ex-JW's not wanting to talk about it. Heck, it wasn't my issue at all when I came out of it. I assumed it was exaggeration when I first heard about it. But facts are facts and I was naive. Your focusing on Bill Cosby like that, I think we are on the exact same page. Enough accusations should equal at least a consideration that it's not just a bunch of lawsuit-happy people. It should merit attention to see if it has any truth, even to a JW. It would have gotten my attention were I still "in."
Phizzy, we don't want to forget victims. This thread was mainly about wildfire spreading through the rank and file, but you are right. I will be satisfied if many more victims get some kind of closure. Settlements and/or a day in court would be nice for them. WIldfire is a bonus.
Mad Sweeney, I hope they do "follow." I don't mind being last, as long as they follow.
John Aquila, that would be cool. But aside from his homophobia, tight pants and spanx comments, I doubt any such thing is true about Tony Morris. Now, if we heard a rumor about him liking to put on tight leather and being tied up with leather straps while his wife gets out the whip, I would probably think it was true.
TheWonderofYou, I always thought just like you. If "they" can forgive a child abuser, he should be content to be an inactive JW and stay away from the kids. Part of the problem with WTS is they don't want to even admit that circumstances for such a situation exist. Further, they don't want to create a new level of membership where being "inactive" is not only allowed but it is mandated. And as far a therapy goes, the local elders might be caving in more and more on the idea that people need professional therapy, but Watchtower itself is a long way from considering encouraging it openly.