This has really been an interesting read.
Funny, but I don't think I ever really thought much about it. Tho I truly believed in God and some other things (can't think of what right now, so I can't enumerate), maybe I just didn't buy all this hook, line and sinker? I didn't NOT buy it.
I think maybe I was just paying careful, scrutenous attention and keeping it filed somewhere, knowing what I was EXPECTED to believe and parroting that on command like a good JW child.
But to sit around dreaming about or wishing about what it was going to be like?
I can imagine that in a group of JWs I might verbalize such musings, with the rest of the crowd. Kind of a little 'what if' game.
But in my heart of hearts? If I thought anything, I guess I just thought that if God was doing this, I'm sure he'd know what he was doing.
And I didn't worry about whether or not I could figure it all out ahead of time.
I'm not sure if this made me MORE of a 'believer' than others here, or LESS.
What do you think?