Something More At / Needed By Silent Lambs?

by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    This is a bit unusual, I found it at:

    My thoughts about Bill Bowens Efforts with Silent Lambs

    I thought i'd write this piece about Bill and his Gargantuan efforts with Silent Lambs.

    I fully agree with what he's doing, BUT

    If he gets the present Governing Body to resign, then what.

    The issue about children may be solved, but this to me is not the

    only abuse this organisation is capable of.

    What about the mental abuse that people who leave for the many reasons,

    such as no longer believing in the reasonings of the WATCHTOWER ASSOCIATION.

    What about those suffering in the organisation with mental problems.

    The only answer is to go to trained specialists, but the org doesn't agree

    with this, so they teach only the bible verses will help these individuals.

    I no longer believe all i read in the Watchtower and Awake, so i'm thrown

    out as being an apostate, knowing they think God has abandoned me.

    What a thought. All the 10 or more or less years you have gone door to door

    , all the meetings, theocratic ministry, association with so called friends in the

    congregation, ALL FLY OUT THE WINDOW. The psychological problems

    that leaves ex-witnesses is Just as damaging as the Paedophiles, in a

    different way of course. But damage is done.

    What about the association as an NGO with the UN. Will Bill as new Governing

    body member sort that out?

    How do you deal with the mass brainwashing of individuals who unlike Bill

    will not believe any thing anyone tells them about the org and its REAL


    Is this organisation what Jesus and God had in mind, if it was

    why are people not encouraged to think for themselves.

    There is so much wrong i think its unrepairable.

    The org would have to come clean, stop brainwashing,

    redesign the Kingdom Halls to allow thinking, no low ceilings,

    no dim lights, placement of windows, not portholes! Real

    magazines that promote discussion, not "Peter and Jane' style

    question and answer. Real songs not dull sense suppressing songs,

    but a joyous harmony you find in Black baptist churches.

    Real food for the needy not just spiritual food.

    Come clean about financing, and money and where its gone.

    Will this ever happen Bill?

    Thats it, is there something that I don't know here? Englishman.

  • RandomTask

    This IMO is whats wrong with the attitude of those who are looking to reform the Organization. Its better if it is just broken up and destroyed. Their doctrine and policies, even going beyond child abuse, are evil. If one cared about their friends and family, they would want to get them out of this cult and not try to change it.

    I think we are seeing real progress in that their increase has all but stopped in the western world and we have first hand evidence of witnesses who are in and just don't care anymore. Apathy has spread through the organization and hopefully, as time goes on we will see the destruction and not the reformation of the Jehovah's Witnesss organization.

  • avishai

    All good points, englishman. But, you have to start w/ women & children first, because the reason for civilization is to protect women & children. Not to sound sexist, but w/ out them, society can't continue. Protecting children is Bills bailiwick, & still the battle has'nt been won.

    But, why should he go onto those other things you mention? I notice, w/ alot of this Bill/Ray stuff that everyone is looking for a figurehead. Why!?! Why are'nt "we" taking care of these things? I think it's time to put up or shut up. Yes, alot of us are bruised & battered, barely able to fight, but that's the way the wts wants the ones on the outside, & if everyone continues to have a complacent "WWBBD?" or "WWRFD?" attitude, then they have already won. So, if this does'nt apply to you, please don't be offended, whoever IS helping. But, if it does, stop whining, get off your ass, & do something, I don't care what, as long as you believe in it!

  • Undecided

    Very good thinking Englishman, I agree completely. The family breakup agrees with the bible's view of one against the other because of religion, but I just don't see the need to do that. Why can't humans learn to live with one another without trying to control the other's way of thinking? I think the writings of men who claim special revelation of a God is the ruination of human culture.

    Ken P.

  • Englishman

    Thanks for the comments everyone. It was this that caught my eye in the pasted article:

    What about the association as an NGO with the UN. Will Bill as new Governing

    body member sort that out?

    I'm just wondering how many people are actually hoping for a new GB with someone like BB on board, so that they can return to a "cleaned up" organisation, if you like becoming JW Mk.2's?


  • kenpodragon

    Doesn't wanting the organization fixed of all problems, imply that you want to return some day? I thought the idea was to bring things to the attention of outsiders, so that they do not fall into a trap without proper warning. It also bring it to the attention of the insiders, so that they can perhaps protect their children. In the end though, the organization will move on and who cares what they do. As long as the people are given proper warning. Thus, the "watchdog organization" of pointing out the dangers. Not the "reformation movement" of wanting to make changes so that we could return. Basically, I am out and nothing new or new change will make me want to return.

    My thought


  • Englishman
    Basically, I am out and nothing new or new change will make me want to return.

    Oh, yes, me too.


  • kelpie

    I am only new here and have been reading about the Bill/Ray deal. People discussing who is the better one.

    I too thought that people are looking for a new leader. Isnt that a reason why we left because we dont anyone to tell us what to do???

    We are grown ups here.. We can use our own mind and heart to decide what is best for us. we do not need anyone to tell us what to do!!!

    Just my opinion

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    For subsequent readers this thread is a Watchtower ploy continuing to try and pretend there is a "division" where none exists. Ted Jarasz of WT is accused of being a child molestor by Pat Garza and he did not deny it. The spotlight stays on him.

  • ozziepost

    Eman a Watchtower ploy ???????????????/

    Conspiracy theory perhaps???

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