A little off topic, why does the Silentlambs website down below bring up the old site rather than the new site when it is clicked on?
Something More At / Needed By Silent Lambs?
by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends
I am the ghost of Fred Franz, I have assumed Random Task's body to give you this special message:
The watchtower is everywhere and they are watching you. That troll statue that your weird aunt linda gave you and insisted that you put on your nightstand is actually a well trained bethelite that stares at you when you are sleeping. Look at it, its smiling at you, its seen you naked. The real Ted Jaracz has actually fused with technology to become Mecha-Ted Jaracz. The Jaracz you see on telivision programs is actually the reanimated body of C.T. Russell, with a shave, and a little plastic surgery. They know that you have a king size snickers bar next to the Playboy mags stuffed under your mattress and they are gonna tell your momma. Our plan is to confiscate all of the marshmallow creme pies on the earth so as to bring down western civilization as we know it. You cannot stop us, we know who you are and one step towards the phone and we will freeze you with our ice ray. We mean it.
It seems silentlambs has several URLs and until officially told otherwise I will continue to link to the 'proper' one.
okay, Simon.
So Nancee ... are you saying that Englishman is a watchtower plant?
You know what? I bet your mailman is a wtachtower plant sent to keep an eye on you. The check out clerk at the supermarket as well. That guy running around reading your gas meter is Bethel MS on special assignment. In fact the only one posting on this board that's not a WT plant is you, and yes we're all out to get you your Bible Students, and yuor dog Toto to.
I have a watchtower plant, one of the leaves looks like a little castle. It has also counseled the flowers on the table for "being to brightly colored and stumbling the cats"
Go back???? Only with a sledgehammer. Or better yet with an auditor to divide the goods among the victims of this cult. There is nothing there to save, there never was. All we ever "had" were our own idealistic dreams of a harmonious existance in a paradise earth with an easily approachable God that did things according to set rules that our own "Faithful and Discreet Slave" understood and would explain to us.
What we had was a cult, doing the usual cult/con-man game of pretending to a "special" relationship with the Creator. Go back? There is nothing there to go back to, we never really owned that Bridge they sold us, neither did they.
If anyone was capable of changing the GB or the WT what would all the people here do with their time? Geeeze Bill is trying to take all you guys fun away from you!