Hello Nelly,
I am not feeling very "UP" for long responses( I have depression) but I want to thank YOU...you said much tghat I could relate to and I also saw and experience the lack of love......and was " marked" and never knew why... except that I was depressed and Vocal to the elders about the lack of love........
I was thinking abut your husband ( I always tried to reason things out in the org and althought I KNEW at one level I was right about them I waited YEARS until I had a mental breakdown) but here goes my reasoning where your husband is concerned: as I recall the husband is the head abd is responsible for the sspirituality of his wife and even those in the congregation that are " more spiritual" ( bunch of crap usually they have spieiruality in reverse)........are to "help" those " weaker"
soooo why is it that YOUR husband could leave you on the basis of YOUR being spriitualy weak rathe than HELP you ( mind you I am using THEIR own standards which are crap but well)....
another things is this: I knew of an eldersw ife that slapped her own daugther in law she had a feud with the girl's mother and would constantly SAY AWFUL THINGS to her NEWLY WED daughter in law about her own mother........the girl put up with lots.......then gets slapped and as far as I know the elders wife was never disciplined to the extent that yoru friend was....... it seems to me that it is all aboytr WHO you are.......and from what I saw VERY OFTEN the truely meek were abused and scapegoated.................................