Veterans day is a bunch of crap!!

by LuckyLucy 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kingpawn

    Last weekend the History Channel had a special on the Vietnam War hosted by Mike Wallace. I thought about this reading the last line of DakotaRed's post about the freedom we have to have the day.

    In one scene, then-leftist and antiwar activist Jane Fonda was seen sitting in the chair of an antiaircraft gun, grinning from ear to ear, and was quoted as saying she wished she could shoot down some "air pirates" (so much for her pacifism).

    Think of the tortures our troops went through, not defending US freedoms in that war so much as South Vietnam's right to exist as a free country. Beaten, getting "the ropes," starved, kept in solitary confinement, goaded by their captors with the threat of keeping them there after the war, and then they got to hear Fonda calling them "liars and hypocrites" for their revelations of abuses suffered at the hands of their captors.

    And contrast their return to American soil--spit on, called "baby killers" and so on (yes, the My Lai massacre didn't help their cause, I know, but recall the US helicopter gunship that landed between the villagers and US troops, prepared to fire on the troops to stop the killing) with that of our Gulf War vets. I think I'd be bitter as hell. No doubt many are.

    So to those of you who fought; who died or lost friends; who went through things you'll never forget and we'll never know; I say "Thank you" for what you've done, not just in America's service, but in preserving freedom everywhere.

    There are those who say that criticizing the government is un-American and unpatriotic. But this country came to be because we disagreed with the King and his tax policies ("No taxation without representation!"). Voting, letter-writing, grassroots activism, are all proper ways to show this country remains alive and vital because we exercise those rights. I have no more patience for the bomb-throwing radical than I do the simplistic "America--love it or leave it" which as was pointed out is simplistic and a lazy person's response to dissent.

    Nobody wants war. But so long as there are rulers discontented with what they have and lusting for more, wars will have to be fought. Thank heaven there are people willing to fight them.

  • Francois

    conoroberst, while your list may be accurate (I've seen several variations) there is another list that you ignore, and this list contains information like:

    America is:

    The world's leading producer of Aluminum, Steel, and Copper

    The world's largest producer of electrical power

    The ideal the rest of the world admires and wishes they could be just like us.

    The world's police force.

    I can't remember much of the list, but the idea behind it is plain. Yeah, we may be what your list says, but we are so much more than that. Your list is a whining liberals list and doesn't take into consideration all the positive things we do for the world.

    In short, your list is nothing but one-sided, hypocritical, cynical CRAP.

  • Robdar

    have you been in a European airport? The "cops" are Federal Military in most of Europe. Those civilians are monitered by a standing army and are very limited in the exercise of any personal freedom... and thats in the counrtries that are "democratic".


    Which European country are you refering to? Granted, my travels to Europe have been limited to 6 individual countries, but I have yet to witness any of the above statement. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are saying?


  • hillbilly


    Which European country are you refering to? Granted, my travels to Europe have been limited to 6 individual countries, but I have yet to witness any of the above statement. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are saying?

    I will dig up the article I was referencing. It was about European police methods and security practices. The information in that article could fuel a couple of interesting posts

    In short, your list is nothing but one-sided, hypocritical, cynical CRAP.

    .Thank you Francois- I could'nt have said it better myself

    Dakota Red

    As a combat veteran myself, I do not ask for or expect any extra privileges or recognition, just a kind word and a thanks occassionally. As a Vietnam Veteran, I only hope for the day when the country loves us as much as we love it (the only line worth repeating from all the Rambo movies).

    It matters very little who does and doesn't get the day off to me. I only ask for all to simply reflect on the millions of men and women who made sacrifices for all of us to enjoy the freedom to even have the day.

    I have the folded flags of some of your Brothers. I have some Gold Mother's Stars from my family too-- I thank you.
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    The ideal the rest of the world admires and wishes they could be just like us.

    The world's police force.

    Are you serious??? The rest of the world hates us, for the most part. Mainly because the U.S. thinks it is the world's police force. I don't recall anyone ever asking the U.S. to be the world's police force.

    Why is there so much talk about politics on a JW discussion board?

  • animal

    No Apologies....

    I think that as long as we dont mention tits and ass, anything political goes. Those of us that are citizens of the "police state" of the USA have to understand thier hatred and accept it.

    Of course, I do neither. I just consider the source.


  • willdabeerman

    america is the greatest country in the world.I agree that we have our problems to deal with.However,if anybody has a problem with this country I give you this bit of advice.... GET THE FUCK OUT! If all you asshole complainers have nothing better to do,build your own raft and head off to Haiti or Cuba.I mean this country is so horrible and you are so pissed off about being here,do the exact oppisite(sp) that many others in this world are doing.If all you do is bitch and moan get the hell out and leave your own little space for someone that is willing to risk his and his families lives,and come over here and work and actually do something productive instead of bitching and whining like the spoiled bitches you are.I work damn hard to make a living for my family,and yes i get pissed off about certain things that happens in this country.But this is still the best country in the world,but I will not stoop to the grimy level you are and ever disrespect the brave men and women of our armed forces that go out and risk there asses for us(including you).I am very grateful to those veterans.If it wasent for them we wouldent be where we are now.and you wouldent be able to use the many freedoms that we have,including your freedom of speech and free thinking.

  • Searchin50

    I'm with you willdabeerman, Very well said !!!!!!!!!

    My question is - What is this nonsence about our Teachers ?

    I think you need to explain yourself, on that one.


  • LuckyLucy

    Willdaassman,apparently you didn't read my post or it was too hard for you to understand.I was defending the Vets!! BTW... by letting people from other Countries come here to set up shop is the biggest mistake we ever made.We not only take care of them we educate them for free so that they can do thier sick little terroist acts (Does 911 ring a bell?)How smart is that??

    I don't have to expain nothing Searchin!!!I will because i guess the obvious that is staring you in the face is not penetrateing your head. WE live in a illiterate society because the teachers are not educated or are just lazy or they just don't care because they don't get paid crap.(Maybe if we would stop paying stupid professional ball player outragous salaries and increase the teachers salarys maybe things would change.You get what you pay for.

  • back2dafront

    Yo WILDMAN - put your beer down for a sec and take a look at your post. You talk about "asshole complainers" but then you say you get pissed off about things in this country too. What's the difference? These "asshole complainers" are merely "pissed off" just like you, furthermore, Lucy did NOT disrespect the Vets in the least bit.

    What's up, man? Anyone has the freedom of speech to COMPLAIN, so if YOU don't like, you can get out, to use a little more tact. Tact tends to send a stronger, more respectful message. Study up on that sometime.

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