"Judge" Rutherford had only one son, named Malcolm, who appears to have never said anything about his father. This is strange. One would think that someone would have interviewed Malcolm about Rutherford, if at least to ask him how he viewed Rutherford. But there is nothing but silence on the part of Malcolm.His mother also remained silent Why? Was this "silence" from both of them bought in some manner? --VM44
The Silence of Rutherford's son
by VM44 11 Replies latest jw friends
I never knew about Rutherford's having any children. Is Malcolm a JW? Who is his mother?
Now I'm curiouser and curiouser.
Rutherfodr was a lawyer,
he knew what was known about him and the WT and who had that knowledge, close family member usually know...
an agreement ($ involved or not) can be reached, where you agreed not to talk about x matter (WT and or Rutherford)
Here are the consequences if you do not comply __________
Can any of you think of any other reason for thier silence after so many years?
It is fairly common knowledge that Joseph Rutherford's son, Malcolm became inactive and no longer associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. In my research, I have found a few current bible students that used to be associated with Malcolm and his mother Mary back in the early 30's. They both used to attend the Los Angeles congregation. Apparently part of this ecclessia split off and continues to this day in Burbank, California as the "Los Angeles Bible Students."
Malcolm Rutherford was approached by researchers in the later years of his life. Apparently Duane Muagini used attempted to contact him on a few ocassions, but Malcolm refused to be interviewed. I have heard from other researchers that he would not speak with either those associated with the Bible Students movement nor anyone connected with Jehovah's Witnesses. He died in 1989 in Arcadia, California. His mother Mary was said to be an "invalid" and died as an active Jehovah's Witness in 1962.
Hope this helps.
ok. OK!
I'll just say this: pappa was a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home (beth sarim to be specific, in winters). When he died all he left us was alone.
*snif* I know you're up there with
JesusJehovah, but I miss you daddy. I never said nuthin', you know that.Edited by - SixofNine on 10 November 2002 17:15:23
Farkel has written about Rutherford's funeral at
"A.H. Macmillan stated in disappointment that there were only FOUR people who attended Rutherford's funeral, and NONE of these four included his wife Mary or his son Malcolm. Nor did they include a single other relative of his. His hand-picked successor, Nathan H. Knorr did not even bother to attend. Nor did Fred Franz"
Reading the above one wonders what kind of relationship Rutherford had with his family. With respect to Rutherford's San Diego home, Beth Sarim, there has never been mention of his son or wife residing there with him, or residing with him at the Brooklyn headquaters either.
Obviously, an estranged relationship existed between Rutherford and his wife and son. But the question still remains...why did Malcolm refuse to speak about his father, even 40 years after he had died?
Awhile ago there was mention in this forum that a biography of Rutherford was being written, does anyone know who is writing it? --VM44
Edited by - VM44 on 10 November 2002 17:38:27
I thought RR was writing something about it. Maybe JFR did something so bad to his family that not only would they not talk to him but even in death, they would refuse attending his funeral. Perhaps, he wasn't well liked.,,,,,,LOL
You mean Booze Rutherford actually had sex with someone???? That's more of a surprise than anything.........
Maybe they just figured it was not their battle to fight. I honestly could respect that. I do not like to get into fights that have nothing to do with me personally at times. Plus, the whole "slam my parents, now that they are gone and can not defend themselves" thing bothers me in Hollywood lives too. I think it shows a measure of class to just stay out of it all together.
My thought