The Society has for years loved to quote the scripture found in Mt. 7:20...."by their fruits you will know them". Christendom and its clergy has been denounced because of their "rotten" fruitage.Believers of the Watchtower truly believe that the fruitage of Jehovah's Witnesses is the finest available. What would you point to to prove that the Watchtower's fruitage is truly bad, if not worse than others?
By The Watchtower's Fruits, You Will Know Them
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
the lengths they will go to in order to carry out their shunning rules
Ozzie hit the big one: splitting up families is as cold-hearted an act as I can imagine.
But second: child abuse cover-up. I know of two instances in the hall I went to - and I thought I knew the people that kept it quiet. Protect the Society's image at all costs.
A Paduan
The only people that ever came to upset our home, grieve my family, and make attempts at petty damage, then laugh and enjoy it, were jws. They also walk the streets preaching. I suppose they are in good standing?
The hardness of the fruit is felt if you squeeze them, tell them of their sin, then they make sure to do more, just to show who's 'in charge' or something.
I have never personally known a nastier bunch of people. Before that, I thought that jws were just a different sort of christian group, unlearned and a bit proud but generally harmless - that image work of theirs does cover a lot.
Now I know - and it was because of their fruit - nothing quite like tasting something - you never seem to forget a bad taste if you ever come across it again.
Amen, Ozzie. They seem to go to great lenghts to keep the honor of Jesus underminded. I resent all their attempts to keep us at a distance from the only hope we have , which I believe is Jesus. You can't celebrate one day for his birthday(even is xmas is not his real birthday) , you can not pray to Him, you can not believe he died on a cross or wear one on a necklace. You can't even have a picture of who should be the most important person in your life, in your home. They even go so far as to tell you that Jesus is not even your mediator to God. When I found out about this , I wondered where do I even fit in. They simply took everything away from us by their false teachings. No wonder many of us didnt quiet feel right about that religion, from their basic teachings they deny you any of the good that Jesus said we would have. He said He would not be a burden to us,,,,,,,, being a JW was more than a burden, it was cruel and unusal punishment. There is alot more, but this about Jesus sticks in my head, since I was reading the Bible a little while ago. Reading Jesus words, in red, and I do realize that as JW's we did not give Jesus the worship or the honor he really deserved.
High rates of suicide and homicide.
Taking up a lot of space in mental hospitals.
Martyring their own children.
Wasted lives.
Emotionally vacuous. Shallow. Self-righteous. Gossipy tattlers.
No respect for other people on almost any level.
Ready to abandon the love and skills that God gave them and turn everything over to someone else - 'someones' who claim to be God's own 'special' mouthpiece - and the rest of the world is somehow just too stupid to see.
Rule bound.
Selfish. Arrogant.
Cruel. Secretive. Conniving. Manipulative.
eternally "innocent"
s'at enuff?
Edited by - Dia on 11 November 2002 6:29:17
As I have mentioned in previous posts I have never been baptised but have been going to four of the meetings each week for some years in order that I can maintain harmony in my family. I am fortunate that my personal filters work well. I do not disbelieve everything that I hear in the Hall, that would be stupid, but I am able to dump the rubbish.
My family were discussing the topic of this thread (unbeknown to them) after the meeting on Sunday and I was encouraged by what I heard. They linked the Scripture about "by their fruits" with "having love among yourselves", with "and love your neighbour as yourself". They openly admitted that love in the congregations was badly lacking and love for your neighbour was non-existent unless he were a Witness.
So even Witnesses can see that they cannot be recognised by their fruits, even a amongst themselves. Why on earth do they keep on with the pretence?
So even Witnesses can see that they cannot be recognised by their fruits, even a amongst themselves. Why on earth do they keep on with the pretence?
Seems to me.............'s like that story of the king with no clothes. Remember that fairy story? The king was wearing nothing but was convinced he was wearing a fine, no, the finest, suit of clothes! What did his attendants say? Did they honestly tell him that he was naked? No, they kept up the pretense.
Sound familiar, link? The R&F are just like the king's attendants; they keep up a pretense. And where does the pretense come from? From the modern-day "king" class, the WTS!
Cheers, Ozzie
Wow, what a list, Dia! Link, your family is getting to see the light. Love is supposed to be the identifying mark of a true Christian. When you don't feel the love, it's time to start thinking.
Here's a good one. By their own admitance they say love is lacking and love for neighbor is non existent. John 1: 7, 8 sums it up beautifully when it says, "Beloved ones, let us continue loving one another, because love is from god, and EVERYONE who loves has been born from God and gains the knowledge of God. He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love."
The Society says that we can't come to know God or gain the knowledge from God unless we go through the Society. The scripture clearly states that that priveledge would be granted to all based on whether we had love or not. Not whether we were members of the Society or not.
The scripture also states that you can't gain the knowledge of God, unless you had love. Does the Society sound very loving to you? Then how can they gain the knowledge of God. No wonder their prophecies don't come true.