Good news and Bad news--back from the doctor

by Jesika 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    For those of you who know what is going on skip this part, I will explain to those who didn't know. While at the apostofest this past Sat. I was 90%, sure because of the symptoms, I had a miscarriage.

    I just got back from the emergency room and they did a blood test that is sensitive enough to see if there was a pregnancy within the last 3 days, miscarriage or not. The test came back negative. I was shocked and confused to say the least. Without getting in to graphic detail, most of the women who I spoke to about it, including my aunt who was in the bathroom with me, said that is what it was.

    I was on the birth control shot called Lunelle. It was recalled about a month ago.

    The doc asked me the name of the bc I was on and so he went and did some research on a site that he goes to that is updated every 3 days. He told me that this was one of the side effects of getting off this shot. I was floored!!!!!!!!!! He told me my body was going through an extreme hormonal adjustment.

    I am writing this in the friends forum- 1 to let everyone know the good news---no miscarriage 2- to inform any women who may be on it to be careful and to go to this site to read about it----------

    I was pissed off that the clinic I go to didn't tell me this could happen, and to that extreme. Other side effects included depression, headaches, mood swings, etc all things I was going through and there are more. I was only told a few of these things and told it was very rare, but just a precaution. Depression wasn't common unless you were already prone to it, etc. Which I found to be not true.

    Needless to say I am researching everything I can find on the bc I intend on taking next. This was my first time using bc--like a shot or pill, something that I take in the body. I now know better, and won't be using anything that is new.

    So, I was told to take it easy for the next couple days and will be on pain killers for the pain in my back and stomach that I am STILL experiencing.

    Sorry this was so personal, but I had to let those who knew what was going on that is was a false alarm---I want to thank those of you who were there for me when I thought I had lost a child and comforted me.

    I also wanted to get the word out about this shot, since it really did put me through alot physically and emotionally. I would hate for it to happen to someone, and I could have informed them ahead of time.


  • nilfun


    Good to hear that you are okay...and that the situation wasn't what it initially seemed to be...what a frightening experience that must have been for you!

  • kelpie


    I know what you are going through. 3 weeks ago I went through the very same symtoms as you. I was in ER for 8 hours with them doing tests, and scans etc only for them to tell me that they didnt really know what my body was going through

    I woke up in the morning with sereve pains in my lower back and stomach. My periods were two weeks early. I am one of the lucky ones that never get period pain so you could imagine my distress. I thought that I too was having a misscarriage.

    The pain got gradually worse and by the time I got to the hospital it was excruitating. since that time I have had light periods 3 times. they would only last for a day.

    My doctor told me that my body was just having a "spack attack" and that it should settle down. he said that it could be caused by all the stress that I have been under lately.

    I am on a common bc pill. He said it is not caused by the pill so that is a good thing. It was a relief and a dissapointment at the same time to find out I wasnt pregnant but I was so glad I wasnt having a miscarriage.

    I hope things go better with you.


  • Mary
    Mary sorry this happened to you. You're very lucky though that you have a doctor who is very informed and up to date on medicines.

    I'm not sure what your symptoms were but a year ago, my retarded doctor gave me a shot of Depo Provera which caused me to bleed like a stuck pig every day for 9 months. He obviously never bothered to check to see that, if you're estrogen dominant, (I am), that Depo Provera is the WORST thing they can ever give you.

    If your symptoms are excessive bleeding, PLEASE insist on a D&C to rule out cancer. My asshole of a doctor never did this, and I, of course, had cancer......just had a hysterectomy and am on the mend now, but not an experience I ever want to repeat.

    Best of luck.

  • Jesika


    ((((Mary)))) I have stopped bleeding, but if the symptoms return I will go right back and demand they test further. Thank you for the advice btw, I was thinking about using depo. Is there a way to know if I am esto dom??

  • rocky220

    ((((((((((Jesika))))))))) I'm so sorry to hear about this scare you had, and I'm thankful it wasn't worse, you are my newest friend and I want you around for a long time!!!!!!!!!!! I'll let a couple of days go by to let you settle down, I'll give you a call..........drink plenty of fluids and absolutely no over exerting, or tedious house work, just pamper ya'.........rocky220

  • Jesika

    Thanx Nilfun, and yes it was scary, but more shocking than anything.

  • Jesika

    Thanx rocky,

    You know I always love to hear from you. Don't worry about housework, I won't be doing any. I am enjoying a nice glass of red wine--compliments of Heaven and Xenawarrior. I haven't got my pain med. yet, still filling it.

  • Mary

    Jesika asked: I was thinking about using depo. Is there a way to know if I am esto dom??

    I'm not 100% sure.......I was, because I was overweight. Your fat cells produce estrogen. Obviously, if you are quite overweight, your fat cells produce even more estrogen and can definitely contribute to cancer. Lemme see what I can find and then I'll post again. If I can't find anything, please ask your doctor if there's a way to determine if someone is estrogen dominant.

  • Mary

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