Good news and Bad news--back from the doctor

by Jesika 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    (((((((((((((((((( Jesika)))))))))))))))) OMG, I am so sorry you had such a frightening experience. Hope you get some rest and get your strength back, so take it easy hon, Hugs , Dede

  • wednesday


    hope u are feling better and got that pain med script filed!! About b/c i know the depo shot can often cause weight gain.I sed the "pill" until i decided i wanted to get pg with my second child. I actually had a problem getting pg and when i did it ended in a miscarriage. Finally after about a year off the pill i got pg . then after the 2nd i had a tubal ligation. there are so many htings on the market now, Thre is a GYN in Richardson named mary ann prewitt. She is great. Don't hav her number rijght now-but its listed. Besides being female-she smart, and very up to date. Highly recommend her. Take care of yourself and be careful b/c u eill probably want to have another. child at some time /

    love and caring,


  • wednesday

    ps. i had a miscarriage as i mentioned and it was a very painful experience. So glad that is not what happened.

  • Searchin50

    Dear Jesika I'm so sorry to hear you were ill.

    Hopefully this matter will clear up in a few days!

    If it dosen't, go back and get your check-up.

    I mean it, please don't ignore it.You mentioned the Depo shot,

    my daughter was on Depo, made her very depressed,she had to get

    on something else.Please take care of yourself.

    Love Ya Searchin50

  • ugg

    "shudder" god how awful for you.....sending lots of hugs......

  • nativenyr23

    Jes...sweetie. i'm so sorry! but glad that everything's ok and it wasn't what you thought. Take it easy and rest for a while. And take vitamins! You could get anemic from the sudden heavy blood loss.

    Take care ((((((((((jes))))))))))


  • Mulan

    Hormone issues can be the pits. I am going through one now, that is causing migraine headaches. I am 57 and have gone through menopause 7 years ago. I don't take hormones, because my levels are good. My gynecologist is even impressed with the numbers. But I got hooked on soy lattes and soy stimulates estrogen or provides estrogen to your system. I started getting the headaches two weeks ago, and found out from two learned friends that I was now estrogen dominant, so have quit the soy and am using Natural progesterone cream to balance the estrogen. (Wild Yam cream)

    There are lots of books out there that can tell you if you are estrogen dominant and what the symptoms are. One I recommend is called "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause", by John Lee, M.D. Don't be scared by the title, because it isn't only about menopause. Most hormonal problems are estrogen dominance, like PMS, infertility, endometriosis, irregular periods, weight gain, water retention, breast tenderness, HEADACHES, decreased sex drive, depressioin, foggy thinking, etc.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • LovesDubs

    I too, had a Depo shot right after I stopped nursing my littlest to keep from getting pregnant. When it wore off, I started to bleed and didnt STOP for 6 weeks straight until they finally had to regulate it with another milder type of BC. Scary scary scary! If you ever have ANY incling that your body isnt working right...LISTEN TO IT...and get second and third opinions and DEMAND testing. The doctors are HMO PPO intensive and wont order tests they feel are "unneccesary" change doctors until you find one who will listen to you!

    Mary...glad you are feeling better after your hysto...that was the worst four days of my life in the hospital after my total in June this year. Feel good now tho...glad I dont have to think about uterine or cervical or ovarian cancer now. At 48...I dont miss those damn periods but the hot flashes are killing me

  • Billygoat


    OMG, I am so grateful you didn't have a miscarriage. I know you are still in physical pain and stress, but I'd hate to have it compounded with the emotional stress of losing a child. That would not help anything. Whew!

    Just a note of caution with the Depo shot. (I've taken it before. A few years ago when I was in my first marriage.) It completely and totally killed my sex-drive. I'm normally a very affectionate person, but on Depo I didn't even want to hold my ex-husbands hand. I didn't want him touching me at all. It wasn't The reason we got divorced, but let's just say it helped it along. Please be aware of this side effect that not too many women know about.

    Relieved you are doing better,


  • Windchaser

    ((((((((Jes))))))) How frightening. Please take good care.



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